Our Thursday Photo #16

Week 16 has mostly been hard work. Posting our Thursday photo on a Saturday is a lateness record even for me, but it’s just been one of those weeks. 

I’m back up to two jobs now, I’m still doing my freelance writing but I’ve now started as a transcriber as well. It’s all home based, which is wonderful but it does mean that I have to fit it in around the children, which is pretty hard work. 

Libby has had a couple of corking tantrums this week, which has made life rather difficult. We went to paint a bowl at a local pottery place on Thursday, which she loved. Unfortunately, half way through the painting process she remembered that last time she went, she wasn’t allowed to take her pottery home with her on that day and they had to go back for it. She immediately started crying and this escalated into a monster tantrum by the time we left, without her bowl. She can go back and get it next week, but she can’t understand why she can’t have it now. The tantrum was a total nightmare with only one of me, carrying the baby and having to carry a kicking and screaming Libby to the car and get her in with Lia under my other arm. Thursday was also the day that work got busy, so when they were asleep and I wanted to sit down with a cup of tea, I had to crack on with some work instead.

My other dilemma which I’ve lost sleep over this week, was the prospect of going to Drayton Manor with the girls next week. I’ve been asked to blog about the experience, which is absolutely wonderful, but hubby couldn’t get the day off work to come with me. None of my many siblings were available to help me, so I thought I might end up having to take the two girls on my own. Luckily though my amazing friend +Melanie Chadd is going to come with me. What a star, thanks for rescuing me Mel!  

This morning, I went to get Libby up and she’d been sick in the night. Hubby had gone to do Parkrun, so I had to get Libby cleaned up and showered and everything washed. Lia had to wait in her cot while I sorted Libby out, but luckily Lia seems to have the patience of a saint and coped admirably with the whole thing. Thank goodness tomorrow is a new week, fingers crossed for a better one! 

For this week’s photo, Libby insisted on wearing her very hungry caterpillar apron, which she loves almost as much as she loves painting! It was difficult to get a good photo of them this week, but it seems like overcoming adversity has been the theme of the week! Here is our Thursday Photo #16. 


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