PAJ GPS Tracker Review [AD]
PAJ make a range of GPS Trackers that can be used on anything from vehicles to people and pets. Their devices can be tracked anytime, anywhere worldwide. Our PAJ GPS Tracker review is based on our experience with the PAJ Easy Finder 4G. This is one of a range of GPS trackers made by PAJ. Their easy to use website allows people to choose the correct device for them based on what you want to track.
About PAJ GPS Tracker Devices
PAJ GPS trackers are designed to protect the things you love. They are small, easy to use and connect directly to a smartphone using the PAJ Finder app.
Each device contains an alarm that sends an email and phone notification in an emergency. The alarms can be customised and activated quickly using a SOS button. They can be tracked around the world, in over 100 countries. As well as pairing with your mobile phone via the app, you can also pair the device with a laptop, PC or tablet.
Whilst the main reason for tracking an object is to know where it is at any given time, it may also prove useful to know where it has been. For example, should a vehicle be stolen, it is useful to see the route it took to its location. That’s why PAJ offers a stored route history for the past 365 days.
Getting started quickly is another useful feature of all PAJ GPS Tracker devices. When it arrives, it comes fully assembled and set up for use. All you need to do is charge it and attach it to the object you want to track. I popped mine in its carry case and put it straight into the glove box of our van.

PAJ Easy Finder 4G
When I was deciding on the device I wanted to use, I settled on the PAJ Easy Finder 4G. I have to admit, the word ‘easy’ in its title did appeal to me. I wanted something I could get out of the box, charge up and use straight away. And that’s exactly what I got.
This tracker uses 4G network coverage and is suitable for valuables, people and vehicles. It even comes with a lanyard so you can put it around your neck if necessary. In standby mode, it has up to a fortnight of battery life and like all PAJ devices, it comes with an SOS button should you need to use the alarm in an emergency. It is also waterproof against jets of water from any angle, although it should not be submerged.
The alarm functions on this device include a motion detector, setting off an alarm if the device is moved or shaken. An SOS alarm that is activated when you press it. A radius alarm that you can set up to activate as soon as the tracker is outside a specified radius. A speed alarm that will notify you if the device is travelling above a particular speed. And a battery alarm, that will let you know if the battery needs charging.

Our PAJ GPS Tracker Review
The PAJ GPS Tracker Easy Finder 4G is one of those items that is actually rather difficult to review. Why? Because the website offers a very easy to follow explanation of what it does, and the Easy Finder 4G does exactly what you expect it to do. And it’s easy.
I hate getting to grips with electrical items. I can manage my phone and laptop that I’ve had for years. But I still can’t completely be bothered with the television remote. There are so many buttons and options that it’s sometimes easier just to ask the kids to do it for me. Not so with the Easy Finder 4G. I took it out of the box, connected it to the charger (that comes with it), popped the app on my phone and pressed a button on the Easy Finder device.
The device does need to be activated online, but that’s a very simple three-step process. Then, it will connect to your account and you can track it from a phone, PC or tablet. To test it out, I popped it into the car without telling my husband. Then when he took the car out, I could track where he was going. I think you’ll agree, he was inexplicably close to a Greggs for someone who didn’t subsequently come home with baked goods.

Where to buy the PAJ GPS Tracker
We’re not a family that owns many things of value. However, since purchasing our camper van, I have felt a little bit uncomfortable. It has plenty of security on it, an alarm, clamp and immobiliser. But that doesn’t detract from how often these sorts of things are stolen. Having a GPS Tracker device on it does offer real peace of mind that should something go wrong, we will be able to quickly track the vehicle down and get it back. Whilst the van is of course insured, these sorts of vehicles become a second home and replacing it would never be quite the same.
Further information on the range of PAJ GPS devices can be found on the PAJ website. The products themselves are available to purchase via Amazon.