bullying labelled as feminism is still bullying

Bullying labelled as feminism is still bullying

I am a feminist. I have spent years fighting to be treated the same as my male counterparts in business. A career I loved was tainted by the insufferable old boys’ network attitude. I have seen first hand the devastating effect of abusive relationships, belittling attitudes and discriminatory behaviours. And yet in recent weeks I have…

The day we asked Google whether babies could have dentures

The day we asked Google whether babies could have dentures

I’m not one to shy away from admitting my parenting fails. And let’s face it, there have been a few. But perhaps one of our most ridiculous moments as parents came when my youngest daughter was around 11 months old and still showing absolutely no signs of teething. Can babies have dentures? In our defence,…

Golden Bucket and Spade Sand Art Competition with Konfidence

The lessons children will never learn from homework

I’ve never really known how I felt about young children having homework. It’s a subject I’ve read a lot about and in principle, I’m not against it. Libby has been bringing a reading book home each day since starting school. We read those in the mornings before school because she can’t concentrate by the evening…