Rocket Gardens – Review
Last week, we were lucky enough to be sent a Large Vegetable Garden (Autumn Winter) to review from Rocket Gardens. The idea behind Rocket Gardens is that they take the hassle out of growing your own food. They do the tricky bit for you – growing the plants from seed into a small seedling that is ready to go straight into the ground.
How Rocket Gardens plants are sent
When our large vegetable garden arrived, it consisted of hundreds of tiny plants. They each had their own little bit of compost but they weren’t in pots. Instead, they were all packed into a cardboard box full of straw.
This is done to minimise the environmental impact of sending the plants. The whole idea of Rocket Gardens is eco-friendly. All plants are organic, watered with Cornish rainwater, grown and sent in season and without the use of chemicals or pesticides. You can buy a variety of different gardens, from mini ones if you don’t have much space, through to huge ones like ours. You can also order the individual plants if you prefer.

Putting in the plants
We weren’t really ready for so many plants to arrive. I intended to plant them in an area of my dad’s garden that I hadn’t got around to digging. When the plants arrived and I realised how they were packaged, I went into panic gardening mode and dug as much of the garden as I could.
Once this was done, I was ably assisted by two children and a cat to plant up the seedlings. There are labels attached to some plants in the box. Rocket Gardens encourage you to unpack all the plants and take them out with labels, matching them all together so you know exactly what you’ve got. They send an instruction leaflet telling you a bit about each plant and how to care for it.

How many plants do you receive from Rocket Gardens?
It is important to make sure you have enough space for the garden size you will be receiving. For the large Rocket Garden, the website recommends 20 square metres. If you don’t have that much space, smaller options are available. I didn’t manage to dig enough garden to get all the plants in, but next year I’ll definitely dig some more. Now that we’ve started growing, I see no reason not to keep up with it, planting different things each season.

We ran out of space for some of our plants, so my friend Helen who blogs at Notes from the Veg Patch took on the ones I didn’t have room for. In the spring I’ll dig a larger area and decide what size garden to go for. Much as I’d love to be able to grow from seed, I can’t imagine I’ll ever find the time, so Rocket Gardens are the ideal solution for me.
It was great to get outdoors and do some gardening too. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for years with the children, but I’ve been putting it off because I couldn’t do it in my own garden. Rocket Gardens gave me the push I needed to sort out somewhere to have a vegetable patch. It actually couldn’t have been easier as my dad only lives over the road.