A Man For All Seasons: Review
AD: Press tickets gifted for A Man For All Seasons Review
From the moment the actors walked on stage, the audience were transported to Tudor times and plunged into the life of controversial historical figure Sir Thomas More. In A Man for All Seasons, More is portrayed as a family man, respected by everyone from the common man to King Henry VIII himself. The story follows the colourful story of More’s downfall from the King’s wish to divorce, to More’s ultimate demise.
About A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt
In this stage adaptation of A Man For All Seasons, Martin Shaw stars as Sir Thomas More – scholar, ambassador, Lord Chancellor and friend to King Henry VIII. When Henry demands a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, clearing the way for him to marry Anne Boleyn, the staunchly Catholic More is forced to choose between his loyalty and his own conscience.
We meet More at a time when it’s becoming apparent that King Henry VIII is determined to divorce Catherine of Aragon. The matter of a male heir is discussed, particularly in light of the fragile peace that has persisted since the Tudors took the throne. Sir Thomas More accepts the role of Lord Chancellor, having agreed with the King that More will be allowed freedom of conscience in terms of the divorce.
When the King requires More to sign an oath of supremacy declaring him Supreme Head of the Church of England, Sir Thomas More refuses to do so. His life becomes progressively more difficult, as Thomas Cromwell battles to get him to sign the oath or have charges brought against him.

The Cast of A Man For All Seasons
This dramatic production boasts a fantastic cast of big names who portray their characters with absolute passion.
- Sir Thomas More: Martin Shaw
- The Common Man: Gary Wilmot
- Richard Rich: Calum Finlay
- Norfolk: Timothy Watson
- Alice More: Abigail Cruttenden
- Margaret More: Annie Kingsnorth
- Cardinal Wolsey: Nicholas Day
- Thomas Cromwell: Edward Bennett
- Signor Chapuys: Asif Khan
- Attendant to Signor Chapuys: Hari Kang
- William Roper: Sam Phillips
- Henry VIII: Orlando James
- A woman: Louisa Sexton
- Archbishop Thomas Cranmer: Sam Parks
- Ensemble: Huw Brentnall & Andrew McDonald
What I thought of the show
Considering the bleak outlook many people faced in Tudor times, not least the play’s protagonist, this production had the potential to be somewhat dry. As my husband was extremely keen to watch A Man For All Seasons, I went along with an open mind but relatively low expectations in terms of how much I’d enjoy it. I’m delighted to say that I was completely wrong.
Whilst this is of course a turbulent time for both Sir Thomas More and the country as a whole, the production manages to offset the serious tone using well placed lighter moments. Most of the more humorous scenes involved Gary Wilmot’s character, the Common Man. Playing multiple parts, Wilmot’s character was openly changing the set, chatting away to the audience and explaining what was happening. As well as lightening the mood, this friendly, amusing character made the whole production easier to follow.
From start to finish, A Man For All Seasons was a well thought out performance that kept the audience engaged and waiting to find out the next part of the plot. I had a small amount of knowledge of Sir Thomas More’s character, as well as other relevant historical figures such as Richard Rich, Thomas Cromwell and Cardinal Wolsey. However, even with no knowledge of this era of history at all, the production stands alone as a fascinating story delivered by an extremely talented cast.

Tuesday 4th to Saturday 8th February 2025.
Tickets are on sale on the Malvern Theatres website. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve sold out. I’m not sure I saw any seats that weren’t taken, so I highly recommend booking straight away if there are any tickets remaining.
I’ve seen recommendations that this is suitable for anyone aged 8 years and up. My children are aged 10 and 12 with an interest in this era of history and they were both livid that I didn’t take them along. However, whilst the only thing that would be particularly scary for a child is the beheading – portrayed through sound only – I really don’t think it would be easy to follow for anyone younger than around 15.
Around two and a half hours.
This production is only touring a small number of venues. If you miss it at Malvern, it will go to Cheltenham Everyman next from 11th to 15th February. The remaining tour dates are listed on the Theatre Royal Bath website.