Brighton beach at sunset with pier in background

Why I am no longer taking complaints or requests (or running marathons)

There comes a time as a parent when you realise that everything you do is about the children. Get up, make lunches, try to persuade them to get ready for school, fail and drop them off late. Pick them up from school and drive them to swimming, dancing, singing, horse riding or piano lessons (delete…

Blogging - the beginner's guide to starting a blog | If you are a new blogger or thinking of starting a blog, here are five tips to get you started. The best ways to promote your content, meet other bloggers, use social media to promote your blog and get ready to work with brands.

I’m a Twitter troll and I’m not even sorry

Social media trolling is one of the worst forms of bullying. The perpetrator can be anonymous and for the victim, there’s no escape. Public humiliation from an account with thousands of followers can be horrific. It’s an abuse of power, using your influence for all the wrong reasons. But what if the same technique could…

Can you make money blogging without spending a fortune?

Can you make money blogging without spending a fortune?

Blogging can be a brilliant way to make an income. It’s flexible, offers some amazing opportunities and best of all, it’s great fun. But is it one of those occupations where you need to have money to make money? Do you need to invest in  a DSLR camera, a go-pro and expensive hosting? I don’t…

Blogging - the beginner's guide to starting a blog | If you are a new blogger or thinking of starting a blog, here are five tips to get you started. The best ways to promote your content, meet other bloggers, use social media to promote your blog and get ready to work with brands.

Influencer marketing when moral lines are blurred

This is a blog post that has been rolling around my mind for some time now, but I’ve never felt comfortable writing it. Not because it’s controversial, but because I keep going over the moral issues and I can’t decide where I stand on them. Influencer marketing – an empowering career Influencer marketing whether as…

mum and daughter in a field of flowers with text '15 tips for banishing mum guilt'

Mum guilt – 15 tips to get you on the road to recovery

Mum guilt. It’s a thing. Well actually, it’s not just mums is it? There’s dad guilt, parent guilt and probably grandparent guilt to look forward to as well. And if you’re anything like me, it’s all-consuming. Breathing down your neck at every turn. You’re working? You should be with the children. You’re with the children?…