Win TWO VQ Emma Bridgewater Retro Mini DAB radios to celebrate Black Friday Deal
Picture the scene, it might be familiar. It’s stupid o’clock in the morning and you hear little footsteps pitter-pattering along the landing. The door opens and a small, pyjama-clad person demands your attention. You want nothing more than to roll over and go back to sleep. But parent guilt screams at you not to turn the television on. Now there’s a solution – and it’s beautiful.

Introducing the VQ Emma Bridgewater Retro Mini DAB radio
On long car journeys, the girls love listening to children’s radio or an audio book. They’re big fans of Julia Donaldson and cBeebies radio. It’s perfect for entertaining them without them being stuck in front of a screen. And yet at home, it had never crossed my mind to give them a radio.
That is until VQ asked if we’d like to try out one of these beautiful Emma Bridgewater design Retro Mini DAB radios. And an idea crossed my mind.

These gorgeous radios will be on special offer on Black Friday, reduced from £89.99 down to £69.99 on the Emma Bridgewater website. Their retro design belies their modern interior. You can tune in to DAB, DAB+ and FM radio. This brings with it the availability of the Fun Kids Radio station. This is perfect for the daytime, but it can be a bit lively for just before bed. So, we’ve explored some of the radio’s other features.
Bluetooth connectivity
This adorable little radio is available in a Dancing Mice or Men at Work design. And the only thing my girls love about it more than the way it looks is the bluetooth feature. Because they can listen to anything they want on it. Whether it’s an audio book, cBeebies radio, podcast or songs from Spotify. Anything that’s available on our phones or the iPad can be streamed to the radio.

What’s more, it works on both mains and battery power. It’s ideal for both listening at home, or taking on road trips or even just out in the garden without the hassle of an extension lead. And if you want to listen to FM radio, just pull up the aerial to get a great signal.

The changing face of our mornings
Now, instead of agonising over whether to let the girls have screen time in the mornings, they have their radio. They can either stay in bed and listen to it, or play together with it on in the background. I’ve even said they can listen to it in the evenings when they’re going to sleep. I can set a timer and they drift off to sleep with it on.

Win TWO VQ Emma Bridgewater Retro Mini DAB radios
If, like me, you’re blown away by the gorgeous retro design and the modern features of these radios, you can enter to win two of them! One lucky reader will win two radios – one to keep for themselves and one for a friend. You can choose between the Dancing Mice or Men at Work designs. These would make the perfect Christmas gift but you definitely won’t want to give them away, so winning two is an ideal solution. Here is a photo of the Men at Work radio to make it easier for you to decide which one to choose! Photo courtesy of VQ.

You can enter using the Rafflecopter below. Please read my competition terms and conditions before entering. Don’t forget to check out my other competitions too, there are some brilliant prizes up for grabs.
This is soooooo pretty. I have my fingers crossed for this.
It’s a great idea for children to listen to the radio. I am not very good with silence and have the radio on alot. But none of ours are as pretty as the dancing mice radio!
The Sony Walkman would be fun to see being brought back although it was pretty large and not easy to clip on your belt
Good old record players or tape players! So those of us with a collection of records/tapes in the loft can play then again!
My boys too old, my grandchildren not yet on the scene but my great nephews would love these (am sure their mums would also apppreciate the peace they would bring )
Great question! We had an old wooden tv. I would love a modern TV that is encased in wood on a curved wooden stand that has the ‘no signal’ colourful screen when you switch it on.
record player
Record players <3
I’d love to have a modern corded telephone in the house. I can never find our cordless ones as the toddler hides them!
The telegram.
Most definitely record players!
Perhaps Digital Headphones (cordless)?
Old style twintubs!
The Walkman would be good to see
The old 8 track players we used to play our music on in the car.
These look amazing.
An old style record player
Super looking little radios!
The stereo system so I can play all my old vinyls 🙂
Fridges would be brilliant
Record players
An old-fashioned corded house phone would be nice, maybe in black Bakelite
Bring back the Sony Walkman in a remodernisation
definitely record players
the radiogramme we had a beautiful wooden one that was solid wood when I was small
I’d like to see a modern take on the good old Walkman!
My dads old record player…..
Telegram letters – have one from 60 years ago when mum and dad got married
Haven’t a clue how theyd do it !
the old eight-track car system, loved them!
The gameboy – I loved it!
Stackable hi-fi systmes, don’t see them very often anymore.
tape cassette players
Oh this is great! Love the idea of it. I loved the old style record players
Record players
vinyl player
I’d love them to re-do some of the retro gaming systems. I know they have done some already, but I’d love them to release more games in a simple classic style for the classic consoles like the Megadrive or NES
A cassette player My mum had a pink one I loved it then I wish id kept it when she threw it out
Record player. Maybe with some special anti-scratch records.
Record player
I’d like to see gramaphone’s brought up to date! The ultimate portable record player!
A record player x
I can see quite a lot of people saying a record player, and i must say i totally agree! absolutely love them.
Cassette players so that I can play all my old ones again!
little radios! GREAT
I can’t think of any retro item that hasn’t already been updated! I am sure there are many. I do love these radios!
My mum wants a record player again as these seem to have come back in to her delight 🙂
has to be a vhs player that isnt as bulky! we have lots of home videos that would be nice to watch
A record player
Record players!
Hi Nat, what wonderful little radios! I remember loving my little music collection when I was young, but that was a time before all day TV, so my parents weren’t so torn. These little radios would make a lovely Christmas present that will always have it’s use.
Tape cassette player would be fantastic
Love this little radio. I recently bought a turntable to play my vinyl and am soooooo happy to hear the crackling when the needle hits the vinyl, brings back so many memories x
I know there are a few around but a stunning record player would be nice
Cassette players could be updated somehow I’m sure.
I love all things retro… we recently got a record player which makes me soo happy!
I’d love to retro-up my kitchen next… I like the colours and the shapes so much more than these sleek modern appliances!
Record players!
It would be interesting to see what can be done for the record player!
Those beautisul stove cookers from victorian times! I still have the opening for one in my kitchen
As others have said, I love the retro look as well fused with the modern technology of Bluetooth! What an awesome find! I seriously might have to look into purchasing one for my daughter for Christmas! Thank you!
The walkman! I used to take mine with me everywhere I went!
Hifi systems with tape deck
id like to see an old fashioned fridge
the old fashioned fridges x
A casette player!
I’m a sucker from some good old-fashioned sweeties!
The Sega Megadrive could be transformed brilliantly I reckon.
Teas made!
I love clockwork. so I’d love to see a wind up record player. Take it anywhere and not worry about batteries. Although scratching the record when it ran out of spring might be an issue.
Retro sweets!
A record player
My Mum had a trim telephone. I’d love to have a new one with the ability to plug into my current socket but still with the dial face.
A retro telephone/ Original dial
Love these radios
I’m not sure but I expect there are plenty, with inventor’s bringing lots up to date, but for now I’m loving these radio’s x
I would love to see a retro look hoover
Record players
I’d love to see the comeback of the hifi stack – I loved mine with a record player on top!
Record player
funky video player! id buy that!
I’d love to see VHS recorders brought up to date!
Retro vacuum cleaner would be interesting
I’d love a 60’s style record player in the wooden box as I’m into the retro look as well as loving the sound of how music sounds on vinyl.
Radio cassette player, I had a very sleek slimline grey model. Was so proud to own it!
The walkman!
The Gameboy….I miss mine but these days would be expecting so much more from it!
The Corby Trouser press – am sure they could make it now into a superfast multipress with ip notification to your fone when a garment was pressed sufficient
Tape players, have lots of old mixtapes that I cannot listen to anymore
Record player. Loved playing our records when we were younger
Vinyl records
A record player so I could listen to all my old LP’s. It would be nice if you could insert a flash drive that would automatically save the song you played so you could listen to them on the go
I would like an updated tape cassette player that doesn”t chew up all my old mix tapes!
would be cool if cookers were updated, a smart cooker that could display the recipe you needed and stop cooking if food was at risk of being burnt
A wi-fi slow cooker!
I’d like to see my old walkman given a revamp and made cool again! I used to love choosing and changing tapes.
a radio cassette player, now gathering dust
The wonderful Robin Reliant Car
Record player
Oh gosh well Soda Stream but that already has a fab update. I actually can’t think of anything else I miss from the ‘olden’ days lol x
A jukebox would be cool
I’d love to see wooden tv boxes come back. I’m really not a fan of all the black plastic and chrome on modern appliances, the wood was so much more attractive.
I’d love to see the record player come back in a pretty form like this radios.
I’m not sure. Maybe the vacuum cleaner. The old ones seemed to be much more powerful.
The cassette tape. I don’t know how they would modernise it, but there was stuff you could do with a cassette (rewind to a point you wanted or record over, etc.) that you can’t do with modern tech.
a video recorder. I have so many old tapes I’d love to see again
What comes to mind for me are sweets and chocolate. They could be updated to a much higher standard than the old ones that still exist have been, and there are plenty that could be brought back.
I would love to see the teasmade brought up to date
record player x
TV/VHS combos. I loved that my tv in my bedroom back in the 90s meant i could watch any vhs i wanted. I would love to see a tv/blu-ray or dvd player thats bedroom sized.
Record players for sure.
A video recorder would be great i think personally
A modern ukelele would be fun for the children.
I’d like a gramophone that look authentic but plays mp3 in adition to vinyl
Record Player
Record player
Its got to be tape players.
intelligent cooker, that you programme
The twintub washing machine like my nan used to have,when it wasn’t being used it had a cover over the top that was used as extra workspace in the kitchen.
I’d love a retro style telephone (speaker attached and listening horn type)
Record players
Has to be record players
record player, tape player, CD player and burner, DVD player and radio all combined into one unit to convert if necessary.
I would love to see gramophone on the market. I’d definitely by that and, from what I’ve noticed surfing the net, people are turning more and more sentimental (I know I do). Plus, gramophone would look so stylish in any home.
When I was 14 I went to the sony shop with my dad and he bought me a stylish up to date walkman. it was amazing. i know we have phones etc now but they just are not the same. I’d love to see a wlkman being brought right up to date!
Such a lovely prize! There something about the old type writers that I love. It would be amazing to see them revamped and modernised. They really remind me of my childhood 🙂
I miss old fashioned tape recorders…..
would love to see VCR’s updated somehow
Record players please
An old fashioned retro record player built into a cabinet / furniture like they used to
A record player – I still have lots of records
The gramophone – I still have lots of 78s that my grandmother passed down to me, but it’s hard to get a player for them these days.
Video players so we could watch all the videos I have from childhood 🙂
the record player
The telephone give it a quirky old style transformation like the radios would be great
The walkman, I loved mine as a child,
The teasmade alarm clocks that woke us up with a lovely cup of tea. They would sit on the bedside table. I love tea and I loved them.
Used to love those game machine tables where you could play pacman facing your opponent. Something smaller which you could just place on your own table would be great.
A retro hifi system with tape deck
Video players. I’d love to look back at old videos of my favourite bands that I used to record off tv.
An old fashioned kettle
I’d love to see the old style macs that were like monitors/tvs come back and be modernised but with a retro feel.
I love old style wall clocks and flower vases
The home telephone 🙂
Tetris hand held games, I had hours of fun playing my mums when I was younger xx
I would love to see the old kitchen sinks coming back
Record players
Record players
I would love a teasmaid that makes great coffee
I used to love my CD discman – would love to see those be cool again
Grandfather clocks…. they are so iconic ,,, but too big and bulky… An updated, sleek, stylish version would be amazing! x
A teasmaid
A record player would be super I would definitely purchase one.