Fit to Dance with Disney on Ice Passport to Adventure
AD – Press trip
One of the strangest things about being a parent is that you don’t really know your children. I see them every day, but kids are so different when their parents are around. This week though, I got a little insight into the way my girls behave when I’m not there.

Fit to Dance
Disney on Ice Fit to Dance was created to inspire children to get active through storytelling and dance. If you’re going to watch Passport to Adventure, you can arrive early to take part in the Fit to Dance pre-show warm up. The resources are also available online to use at home or in school.
The workshop we went to walked the children through Fit to Dance. First of all, there was a warm-up with Ashley Banjo. They played Simon says – but the theme was Peter Pan, so it was Peter says. This got the children moving about, dancing and giggling.

Next, they were divided into groups. Mine were two of the youngest there and they were placed with some other little ones. Each group was led by some Disney on Ice dancers, with Ashley Banjo overseeing what they were up to.
With guidance from the dancers, the children made up their own story. Next, they decided how they would tell the story for the other group. Finally, they chose their own costumes, had a dress-rehearsal and put on their show.

Immersed in dance
When we first arrived, the girls were a bit nervous. All the children were asked to go to the middle of the room, and Lia hung back. But with Libby’s support, she got involved. And surprisingly, they both completely forgot I was there.

I worry a bit about how Libby gets on socially at school. She’s great with people and can talk to anyone, but she can be a bit overbearing. And sometimes, she comes home and tells me that nobody wanted to sit by her at lunchtime. Or that she didn’t have anybody to play with. It worries me, because I don’t know how to help her. But the Fit to Dance workshop gave me all the reassurance I needed.

Within a few moments, her hand shot up every time a question was asked. She put forward her ideas, volunteered for everything and conducted herself confidently throughout. I don’t know what the other children thought of her. Whether her excitement was too much, or whether she was too loud.
But I do know that she was confident, polite and happy. She looked after her little sister, making sure that Lia got involved as well. And if that’s the way she is in school, she’ll be just fine.

Passport to Adventure
The children were given passports which were stamped at every stage of their Fit to Dance journey. And when they were complete, it was time to introduce a special guest. Us parents were all a little star-struck by Ashley Banjo, but for the children it was all about the surprise visitor. After all, it wouldn’t be Disney on Ice without Mickey Mouse.

AD – Press trip
Ah it looks like they had lots of fun! What a fab big sister Libby is x