Thursday photo #320
As work is starting to pick back up again, I’m struggling to fit it in around Lia’s school run and helping Libby with her schoolwork. I’ve only blogged once a week for the past few weeks and it makes me glad I have these regular posts that I keep up with each Thursday. When lockdown is a distant memory, it will be interesting to look back and remember that even when we had nothing to do, life still seemed busy. I have no idea how I used to find the time for leaving the house as well as everything else.

Missing swimming
With the announcement about the easing of lockdown restrictions yesterday, there were a few key things that haven’t been allowed to open. For us, the main one is the swimming pools. Much as I am more than happy to swim in the river instead of the pool, that isn’t such a great alternative for the children. They do swim in the river with me, but it’s a totally different type of swimming to what they do in the pool. They’re both itching to get back to their lessons, swimming club and water polo. We all thought the pools would open with everything else on July 4th.
The problem with the pools remaining closed is that there has been no explanation for it. It can’t be because the virus spreads in the water, or open water swimming wouldn’t be allowed. It is unlikely to be because of social distancing because let’s face it, everyone is more likely to social distance sober in the swimming pool than drunk in the pub. Perhaps it is for financial reasons, but I suspect swimming pools are just as likely to face financial ruin as anywhere else.
As I have been unable to explain the decision to the girls, they’ve been quite upset because they don’t understand it. Libby in particular felt the need to put pen to paper. We haven’t sent her letter by post, but I have shared it on my social media. I think she did a great job of getting her point across.

Education at home
Libby’s schoolwork has been reduced somewhat now that parts of the school are back in. She only has a few pieces a day, so we’ve been doing some extra bits of maths from a workbook I bought and she does a piece of writing each day. The letter above was her work for one day and she has also been writing to friends and relatives. Despite her reluctance, I still feel that home schooling is going quite well.
Bubbles on the other hand, is not getting it at all. The only thing I want to teacher her is who is a good girl. I have told her many times that it’s her, but when I ask her who’s a good girl, all I get is this look of confusion day in, day out. It’s very frustrating.

Thursday photo #320
Our weekend walks have become a pleasant habit recently. I’m sure the girls will be itching to do something else soon but I’m not in any rush to dash out to pubs or restaurants. Our local walks suit me fine for now.

Libby’s letter is brilliant! It doesn’t seem logical that swimming pools can’t open when pubs can, but hopefully it won’t be much longer. My son is going mad because, although stadiums are allowed to open and jumping is allowed, our local stadium hasn’t opened yet.
Oh it’s a shame that your son’s stadium is closed too. It is annoying me a bit that the government are putting children and young people at the bottom of their list of priorities when they have already suffered so much despite being at the lowest risk.
Great image. I have a few similar shots of mine climbing trees. Classic lockdown images!
I hear you regarding balancing work and school work. it’s so, so tough and I have one at school (year 6) and one who isn’t. That’s just made things tougher still!
Thank you. Yeah we’re in the same position with one at school and one at home, it is surprisingly tough!