BrightMinds: Review
As my girls get older, I’m becoming increasingly aware of the need to buy them educational toys and activities. This seems particularly pertinent in Winter when they’re inside a bit more. Sometimes though, I do despair of the toys on offer. There is far too much unimaginative plastic tat in the world. So when BrightMinds got in touch and asked me if I’d like to review a couple of things from their website I was delighted.
BrightMinds – The Concept
BrightMinds was founded by a former science teacher. All their toys are handpicked to inspire and educate children while they play. This has resulted in a website full of toys, games and activities that parents love as much as the children.
BrightMinds Djeco Foil Mosaics
When I looked through the BrightMinds website, I was immediately drawn to the Foil Mosaics. Libby was given a little mosaic for her birthday and it was by some distance her favourite present. She spent hours on it but unfortunately the pieces were a bit small and she lost a few and didn’t quite get to the end of it.
However the foil mosaics from brighter minds were much better suited to a four year old. The mosaic is quite large and very colourful. The stickers are all a little under 1cm² in size and peel away from the backing very easily.

As Libby was sitting down doing her mosaic after school, we decided to let Lia have a go at it although it is recommended for children aged 3+. I’m so glad she did try it because it was a real revelation. Lia managed to complete her own mosaic with virtually no help from me. Her fine motor skills were amazing and it’s not something I would have thought to do with her before. She definitely needs more educational toys and activities to stimulate her learning.

BrightMinds Djeco Fireflies Foil Pictures
BrightMinds sells a range of Djeco products and we were sent the Djeco Fireflies Foil Pictures to try out. These are aimed at children aged 7-13, so I did worry a bit that Libby wouldn’t be able to do them.
However whilst older children will definitely find them easier, this was a lovely activity for Libby and I to do together. First you take off the tiny white stickers using the tool provided. Each one is numbered, so you know what colour foil needs to go on it.
When you’ve removed a sticker, you take a piece of foil and place it onto the sticky area that is left. You need to place it on with the silver side down – I made the mistake of doing it with the coloured side down to start off with and thought it wasn’t working.

Then you rub the foil with the other end of the tool, making sure you go right to the edges. When you remove the foil, the colour from it will remain on the picture. The end result is a beautiful, sparkly picture that Libby was particularly proud of. As with the mosaics, I could see her skills developing as we were doing the activity. This is brilliant for fine motor skills.

Awwww look how little she was <3