Learning to drive at the age of five
[AD press tickets]
I remember my first driving lesson. A quick rundown on how to use the clutch, accelerator and brake and we were off. Trundling down a fast country road at about 5 miles an hour in first gear. Utterly unaware of the traffic around me because I was concentrating on clinging to the steering wheel for dear life.

Starting early for safer driving
Young Driver teach 10 to 17 year olds to drive in a full size car. The logic is that it’s not age, but experience that causes one in five new drivers to have an accident within six months of passing their test. By teaching young people to drive away from the roads, they will be safer from the outset.
The firefly is the new electric car created with 5 to 10 year olds in mind. They drive just like a real car and even have indicators, a speedometer and headlights. The cars go a maximum of 10 miles an hour and use a special safety system that detects and avoids obstacles. There is a cut off switch inside the car and on a remote control for the ultimate safe drive.

The first driving lesson
Last week, we headed over to the Young Driver centre in Cheltenham for Libby’s first driving lesson. At five years old, she was notably less nervous than I was about learning to drive at 17. She has no reason to fear driving. It is a safe, controlled environment and she’s there to enjoy herself. And that’s exactly what she did.

The lesson started with the instructor showing her the ropes. He taught her how to steer, start and stop and took her for her first drive around the course. With each lap, a different element was introduced. Taking the start and stop signs into consideration, going round roundabouts and picking an exit.

Within ten minutes, Libby was driving competently enough for me to get in the car with her. And I even felt confident enough to film the drive. I think you’ll agree, she didn’t do too badly at all.
The verdict
At the end of her lesson, Libby was given a driving licence. The instructor told us that if she has another lesson, they’ll move onto different manoeuvres. There was even a mention of reversing. Libby loved the whole experience and has already been asking when she can have her next lesson.

It was wonderful to see her take to driving like a duck to water. It’s definitely something we’ll keep up with as she gets older, I’m converted to the idea of learning to drive as a child. Anything that can make her safer on the road when she passes her test can only be a good thing. And at just £19.95 for a 20 minute lesson in the firefly, it’s brilliant value for an exciting, educational experience.

[AD press tickets]
Bless her, it looks like she did so well! My daughter had a go at this, but she was 10 at the time. It’s great to know that it really does work for 5 year olds. My daughter can’t wait to have a go in the proper cars! x
I bet it was a great experience with a 10 year old too, they understand so much more at that age.
Alice had her lesson at the weekend and loved it. I’m totally brought into the concept and we will definitely keep it up X
I’m so glad Alice loved it too! We’ll probably get Libby another lesson for Christmas I think.
It is good to know that we have something locally as I have booked a driving experience for our son’s 10th Birthday next month but that is in Oxford. She did a great job.
Oh that’s a shame. Young driver do 10-17 year olds in Cheltenham regularly, although the firefly just visits occasionally. I hope he enjoys his driving experience!