Disney Animal World books and playset
Over the past few weeks, Libby’s reading has come on in leaps and bounds. Not least because she’s finally managing to read things she finds interesting. In fact, we’ve been reviewing the Disney Animal World books and they’re so engaging that even I’m learning something.

Disney Animal World Books
I was surprised how impressed I was with the Disney Animal World books. Because they’re Disney, I expected them to be more like a comic book with a cartoon format. I thought they would be based purely on favourite stories, rather than anything informative. In fact, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

There’s the perfect balance between stories featuring Disney characters and incredibly informative animal facts. The stories are full of bright cartoon pictures of the characters, and they pop up on the factual pages as well. There are also gorgeous, high quality photos of the animals that are covered in the book. Each one focusses on just a few animals, with some fascinating facts about them. Did you know that tree frogs live in groups called an army? Me neither.

Disney Animal World Toys
With every issue of Disney Animal World, children receive one or more little toys. The toys collectively make up a Safari Playset. Each figure is relevant to the book it comes with, so they can play with it whilst learning about that animal. The girls have loved building up their collection, and take great delight in acting out stories with their characters. Plus, isn’t their hair hilarious on the trampoline??

If you subscribe to the books on their website, there are loads of other treats for children to look forward to as well as a regular delivery of books. With the second delivery, they receive a storage box for their books. The fourth gives them a safari playmat, the sixth an adorable backpack and the eighth a storage box for their animals.
Win a subscription to Animal World
If you know a child who would love the Animal World books and toys, you can enter the giveaway below to win them a subscription. Please read the competition terms and conditions before entering and don’t forget to check out my other competitions too, there are some brilliant prizes up for grabs.
Win a Disney Animal World Collection!

Oh these are fab books!! I love that they aren’t just cartoons and the figures make it even more special! X
They’re brilliant, I’m sure your two would love them.
My youngest loves monkeys as they are cheeky just like her x
It has to be a lion , because it reminds them of our pet cat
Lion as they are courageous and lovely to watch at the zoo
pelican as there is a big bird roaming free at my local bird sanctuary
lions love them
I don’t think my little boy has a favourite animal tbh, he just seems to love all animals and creatures. Here’s an example. We currently have a pet slug called “beautiful slug” in a reptile tank in our living room because the little man fell in love with it. I didn’t know Disney did these books, but they look great!
nieces little one loves Giraffes
My son loves cats at the moment
Hi Nat, these books look lovely. I remember having similar sort of books when I was a young girl (all those years ago) and I would spend hours looking through and enjoying them. The toys are a great addition as I’m sure they will help feed the children’s imagination… Is that static making their hair wild? Shame you can’t bottle it!
Yes, I think I remember something similar too now that you mention it! Haha yep love the static hair!
Monkeys because they are cute and mischievous.
My nephew loves cats. I think it’s because we all have cats (he doesnt) and finds them intriguing. He says “catta” when he sees one.
My daughter loves animals she wants to be a vet when she’s grows up 🙂
My eldest loves dogs and is determined to show mummy all of them!
My daughter loves giraffes because they have purple tongues – which is her favourite colour at the moment 🙂
My daughter loves monkeys because they do fun things.
My son loves Lamas! He just loves the sound of the word!
lion because they are beautiful x
Crocodile! I’m not sure why, I think it’s because one of the first songs she learned at nursery was about them. But now she’s seen real ones, she realises they are nothing like the song – and loves them even more.
Giraffes, as they have wonderful faces!
Tigers, my son has carried a tiger teddy round since he was born
Monkeys because they’re mischievous and fun
Penguins. My daughter loves watching them swim and walk.
My daughter would say Zebra, as she loves the film racing stripes
mine love lions, fab animals
My son loves giraffes as his favourite sleeping buddy is one!
My daughter loves zebras as she likes their stripes and hair-dos. She says that they are fasiinable as there is no other animal like them
mine love dogs, cats and anything vaguely cute x
ducklings,since we had some parade through the garden
monkeys because they are funny
It has to be zebras! Lions are just too fierce.
My grandson loves lions because they have sharp teeth and claws just like nanny’s cat
My daughter loves gorillas.
My twins love giraffes. We went to the Zoo coupe of weeks aho and they were fascinated!
My son loves Sloth’s, as he thinks they are so cute.
A panda because of the black and white markings, and they look like our new puppy
snakes even though im petrified of them he held one on holiday as loves them
my boy says Monkey because they’re cute and cheeky like him x
meerkats as they make her laugh!
My son loves lions. Apparently, it is because he can roar loudly like a lion
My son loves all animals and doesn’t really have a favourite – he would just love these books
my niece likes cats at the moment
My little nephew loves elephants because he watches Dumbo and Horton Hears a Who a lot.
We love cats more than life in our house!
Lions are the best, my 19 month old loves them!
My nephew loves to roar like George’s dinosaur from Peppa Pig.
Lions as they look like a big cat
The lions as they are fearsome looking animals
Lions ask they think it nothing more than a big cat.
Love penguins! <3 They just make me smile!
mine likes cows because of the noise they make
boy boys like the big cats, tigers and lions etc
Penguins, my son absolutely loves them
Grandsons is the bunny rabbit, lovely and fluffy
my Granddaughter loves zebras
My 2 year old loves monkeys – she thinks they’re highly amusing!
Giraffes – my daughter has always loved them since she was very little
Pandas – they are so cute
She loves them all but especially anything fluffy like a polar bear.
my nephew loves LIons as they have a loud roar
Lion – he likes the big cats
Penguins – as they are so comical and apparently look like little men in a hurry.
Violet likes monkeys, umm wonder why!
I love the lions
My daughter loves giraffes and we arranged her to feed them last year at Colchester zoo as part of a keep experience
we love zebras they are cuter
zebras – they love the pattern on them
tiger because its like a big cat
My son loves giraffes because of their long necks!
Lions seem to be favourite at the moment – just might have something to do with The Lion King….
My daughter loves lions. So strong and proud.
Although she loves all animals and wants to work with animals when she is older
Karen Hughes
my grandaughter thinks meerkats are cute
My little boy loves monkeys
Zebra as they think somebody has painted a horse stripey
My little one loves the Lion because he loves to sneak up behind you and roar to make you jump lol
Both my girls love monkeys!
My daughter loves snow leopard’s. Their coats and the sleek way the walk. She always pretends to be one and would love to see one in real life.
Has to be the lions, top of the cat family, we love our cat, magnificent creatures, agile, fast and pretty!
cheeky monkeys
My daughter loves cheetahs I think it’s the pattern on their fur she loves
Juliet says Zebras because they are super stripey lie a horse in fancy dress!
Obsessed with lions because they roar!
My daughter loves Zebras because they are stripey.
My 8 year old Hallie-Anne is obsessed with Zebras…my 2 year old Lexie…cats, kittens, tigers LIONS!!!
Monkey because they make him laugh