Compare By Review: A different approach to insurance comparison [AD]

Compare By Review: A different approach to insurance comparison [AD]

Purchasing insurance can be confusing. With so many insurance companies and comparison sites out there, it’s difficult to know where to start. Compare By Review is a comparison site with a difference. Instead of comparing by price, they rank insurers on product quality and customer experience. When purchasing insurance, I always think about price. But…

Finding the right weight loss solution for you [AD]

Finding the right weight loss solution for you [AD]

Weight loss is such a controversial topic. It’s great to see the body positivity movement encouraging people to embrace the way they look at the weight they are. For some of us though, it’s not about looks but about health. I quite easily lost my baby weight after both pregnancies but then something changed. My…

Thursday photo #336

Thursday photo #336

Having craved routine for so long during the summer, everything is starting to feel a bit like groundhog day now isn’t it? School. Home. Taxi the kids around. Listen to news about the pandemic. Read about the pandemic on social media. Talk to people about the pandemic. And repeat ad infinitum. Learning to sit still…