Our Thursday Photo #17

This week has been fabulous but insanely busy. I’ve had loads of work on from two different jobs, we’ve been back to Libby’s clubs in the mornings and we had a day out to Drayton Manor. This has meant me working until around 12.30 am most nights just trying to get my work done. Yesterday, my sister arranged for us all to catch up for afternoon tea after Libby had been to playgroup. We went to a lovely restaurant that only opened a few months ago and I’m addicted to it already. Libby was exhausted by the time we got there, but both her and Lia behaved incredibly well and Libby ate plenty, despite having spent most of the morning eating as well. 

Lia has started having a few mouthfuls of food now. I prefer not to give her baby food, so we bought a hand blender and she has a little bit of whatever vegetables we are having, just blended up. She is really enjoying it and I think she’s ready for it now. She is also sleeping a little better at night now rather than waking up hungry all the time, which is a relief as I’m down to about 4 hours sleep anyway between her and my work. 

We are going away for the week next week, just a short UK break but I’m really looking forward to the time off. I’m hoping to do lots of running by the beach and catch up on some sleep. It will be the first proper holiday for both girls, and we are staying in our folding camper tent to combine the camping experience with a bit of extra comfort. Fingers crossed for the weather! 

So despite the manic week we’ve had, I’m only a day late with our Thursday photo #17, which I see as a positive! Here are the girls enjoying Lia’s play mat together. 

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