Francesco Group Cheltenham & Little Princess Trust
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Francesco Group Cheltenham & Little Princess Trust

For the past couple of years, I haven’t had my hair cut. Initially this was just because I never got around to it. But then about 12 months ago, I read about Little Princess Trust and decided to grow my hair long enough to donate over 12 inches of it to them. Francesco Group Cheltenham very kindly…

The empty seat

The Empty Seat

The middle-aged lady sat in the living room of her upmarket apartment and tapped her fingers on the glass coffee table. She looked at the empty seat again. The police officer was late. In fact he was so late he clearly wasn’t going to bother coming. It was nearly a week now since her car accident…

BrightMinds: Review and Giveaway

BrightMinds: Review

As my girls get older, I’m becoming increasingly aware of the need to buy them educational toys and activities. This seems particularly pertinent in Winter when they’re inside a bit more. Sometimes though, I do despair of the toys on offer. There is far too much unimaginative plastic tat in the world. So when BrightMinds…