Male wheelchair athlete and female runner at Brighton Marathon start at Preston Park

Accessibility: Assisting a wheelchair athlete in the Brighton Marathon

For many of us, accessibility is an issue that goes under the radar. We might read an article or see something on the news about how difficult it can be to access certain services as a wheelchair user. We get cross about it and say something supportive. Then, we move on because it’s not our…

Snow covered bushes in the foreground with a winter tree in the centre and snowy hills in the background at sunset

Running streak: The benefits of running every day

The running streak goes against every grain of common sense. Anyone who has taken sport even moderately seriously will have had the importance of rest days drummed into them. Your body needs time to recover. You can’t improve performance without rest. And yet as we get older and running becomes less competitive, those things don’t…

Finding the right weight loss solution for you [AD]

Finding the right weight loss solution for you [AD]

Weight loss is such a controversial topic. It’s great to see the body positivity movement encouraging people to embrace the way they look at the weight they are. For some of us though, it’s not about looks but about health. I quite easily lost my baby weight after both pregnancies but then something changed. My…

Why I run every day

Why I run every day

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with running. We all know the health benefits of exercise and going out for a run is cheap, easy and quick. Races from 5k to ultra marathons are hugely popular and offer an almost unrivalled, euphoric sense of achievement. Yet finding the motivation to lace up your trainers…