The power of sport

The power of sport

This is a paid collaborative post. The weather wasn’t the greatest on Tuesday and Lia and I ended up watching some television after lunch. As usual, she asked to watch Paw Patrol and I grumbled a bit and turned it on for her. But then something brilliant happened. Something went wrong with Netflix and Paw…

So you know that exercise is good for children. But did you know that as your kids grow up, the physical activity they did as children will have a huge impact on their health and fitness as adults? Here's why.

10 benefits of childhood sport that stay with you into adulthood

I wrote recently about the benefits of exercise for children. I thought it would be an interesting follow-up post to look at the benefits of childhood sport that stay with you into adulthood. 1. Enjoying sport As adults, we are encouraged to stay healthy and active. But if there’s no particular sport that we enjoy,…