[AD] Premier League Writing Stars poetry competition winners

[AD] Premier League Writing Stars poetry competition winners

Throughout England and Wales, over 25,000 primary school children entered the Premier League Writing Stars poetry competition. Each child wrote a poem with the theme of diversity. They were asked to think about what makes people “beautifully different and wonderfully the same” with a little help from a poem written by Joseph Coelho.  The Winners…

I disagree

I disagree

It is natural to surround ourselves with people like us. We work with people with a similar skillset, make friends with people who have similar interests and follow social media accounts that share our ethos. So, when was the last time you disagreed with someone? Not an argument, or disagreeing with a stranger, but voicing…

How to love Mondays

How to love Mondays

From the day we start school, Monday to Friday represents the daily grind. Early starts. Hard work. Routine. Living for the weekend, waiting for those two precious days with family and friends. Sunday nights bring a familiar feeling of dread and the Monday morning alarm is the low point of the whole week. But it…