Crafts for children – easy Easter table decoration with vase
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Last month’s Bostik blogger theme was Valentine’s day. This month it’s time to create something for Easter and we’ve decided to go for an Easter table decoration. When I was walking the dogs this morning, I noticed how beautiful the spring blossoms were. It gave me the idea of incorporating them into our table decoration so that’s what we did.

You will need:
- An A4 sheet of craft foam
- Assorted Easter stickers

- Mini Easter chicks
- Polystyrene eggs
- Glitter
- An old glass or jam jar
- An A4 sheet of felt
- Foam Easter shapes

- Paint
- Blu tack
- Bostik fine & wide glu pen

- Spring flowers and leaves collected from outside
- Water
Easter table decoration – method
For the eggs
- Paint the polystyrene eggs half at a time and leave to dry on a piece of blu tack
- When the eggs are dry, use the fine end of the Bostik fine & wide glu pen to draw glue patterns onto the eggs
- Pop the eggs into a bowl of glitter one at a time until the glue is totally covered in glitter
- Set aside to dry

For the base
- Take the glass or jam jar you will be using and place it in the centre of the A4 piece of foam
- Draw around it with a pencil
- Place stickers at random onto the A4 piece of foam, avoiding the circle you have drawn at the centre
- Fix Easter chicks and your finished polystyrene eggs onto the foam with blu tack

For the vase
- Take your old glass or jam jar and cover the outside of it with glue using the wide end of the Bostik fine & wide glu pen
- Stick the A4 sheet of felt to the outside of the glass or jar
- Trim the top and bottom to size
- Stick the foam Easter shapes onto the felt using the wide end of the Bostik fine & wide glu pen

Putting it all together
- Half fill the finished vase with water
- Fix the vase to the centre of your Easter table decoration using blu tack
- Collect some spring blossoms and leaves from outside and place them into your vase

This was a super easy craft that both children could join in with. They helped me to paint the eggs and put glitter on them. While they were busy putting stickers on the base, I was able to make the vase and avoid ending up with gluey children. The Easter table decoration can be refreshed as often as you like by changing the spring flowers in the vase.