Thursday photo #194

What a wash out this week has been. Hideous weather and illness have conspired against us. But despite it all, we’ve managed to brace ourselves against the elements and get outdoors. Which was definitely the right decision.

The weather

What a week of shocking weather. The end of last week was so windy that we spent half an hour dragging an incredibly heavy trampoline over our back fence. Despite being tied down, the trampoline had managed to escape. For the record, these things weigh an absolute tonne. Never try hauling one over a fence.

Unusually for me, I wasn’t willing to give in to the weather this week. I’ve felt a bit penned in over the Winter and I’m ready for Spring and more time outdoors. So, we ignored the weather and dressed up warm to join friends at Croome. The girls took their bikes and ended up covered in mud through a combination of cycling, jumping in puddles, playing pooh sticks and climbing trees. It was brilliant.

The battle

I’ve been trying to get out onto the Malvern hills a bit more often lately. It blows away the cobwebs and I always feel so much better for it. I can’t manage to run up there at the moment because it’s always dark by the time I can get out for a run. But I drive past every day, so I’ve been getting up there for a walk either on my own, with the dogs or with Lia.

And therein lies the problem. Lia, unlike the rest of the family, has no desire whatsoever to walk anywhere. When Libby was off school ill on Monday, Lia happily said that she had a headache and she didn’t want to go to preschool either. They spent the day cuddled up on the sofa watching television, doing jigsaws and listening to stories. Lia’s perfect day.

So, when I drag her up onto the hills, it’s entirely against her will. Luckily she always enjoys it when she’s up there, but I usually have to bribe her with a hot chocolate or a milkshake to get her to go. All in all though, it makes for quite a nice afternoon while we’re waiting for Libby to finish school. I just hope that she’ll grow more fond of walking as time goes on.

Our Thursday photo #194

I will, at some point, post a photo that wasn’t taken at Croome. But at the moment that’s where we’re spending our weekends. And that’s fine with me – these two seem to be rather enjoying it too. Lia is much happier on her bike rather than her own two feet!

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  1. Lovely photo of the girls on their bikes. Those hills are so beautiful – what a gorgeous place for a walk. It’s a shame Lia isn’t more keen though. Sophie can be like that – she used to really enjoy going for a walk with me and now she needs a little more incentive to do so. The promise of hot chocolate works well for her too! 🙂

    1. Thank you, I’m so glad it’s not just me. I love the hills and I do hope Lia develops a genuine interest in walking soon rather than having to be bribed!