Thursday photo #266
Every now and then, I decide to do something a bit differently. Make time to get a particular thing done or just change our routine to fit things in better. Inevitably though, something always happens to thwart me. This week was Libby’s seventh birthday. With a cake to bake and decorate and presents to wrap, it wasn’t necessarily the best day to adopt a cat. Sometimes though, doing the wrong thing is the right decision.

Seven years old
Seven years ago, I was so off my face on gas and air that I didn’t know who my husband was. After a four day long induction, our lives were about to be turned upside down.
Within minutes of having Libby, I was whisked off to surgery to remove a retained placenta. My husband was left clutching a hungry baby. Within a few hours, I’d gone home from hospital and we were walking with Libby on the Malvern Hills. The three months of maternity leave flew by and I was soon back to work. That’s when things really changed. Six weeks later I’d given up my career to work from home, and I haven’t looked back.
With the exception of that six weeks back at work, I’ve been able to be there for Libby throughout her seven years. These days, she does so many activities outside of school that I feel like a glorified taxi driver. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s a real live wire. Always dancing, singing or doing gymnastics. I worry that there’s too much pressure on her because there’s so often an exam, concert or performance taking place. She really does thrive on it though and would take up even more activities if I let her. I hope she’ll always have such a wonderful zest for life and enthusiasm for absolutely everything she does.

A new family member
It has been far too long since a cat’s purr has been heard in our house. Recently though, we decided it was time to introduce a cat into our lives again. I always try to adopt animals when possible because there are so many out there that need homes. This time, I tried all the local charities but none had a cat that would be happy living with young children and dogs.
Instead, I found a private adoption. A cat whose owner had sadly died and he’d been taken in by somebody who was unable to keep him. A friendly cat that was used to dogs and children and looking for a new home. So on Tuesday, Rupert found his forever home and came to live here. We’re all so excited to have him and he’s settling in well. Bubbles is quite frightened of him at the moment but I’m sure they’ll be great friends soon.

Thursday photo #266
You may have seen on Instagram that I went on a smartphone photography course on Friday. On Saturday, armed with my newfound photography knowledge, we went for a walk on the hills. I snapped this photo of the girls in a hollow log that they found. I’m quite pleased with it.

Happy birthday to Libby and welcome to Rupert the cat! Glad you found the perfect cat to fit in with your family.
Thank you, we’re all so pleased with how well Rupert is settling in.
Oh wow, that final image was shot on a smartphone? Very impressive! Good luck with the new cat and belated birthday wishes Libby.
Thank you! It was great to learn how to take nice photos on the phone, it means I can put off buying a decent camera for a little bit longer!
Great photo! What tips did you learn on the course? Good luck with the lovely cat!
Thank you! Lots of tips about taking photos indoors and taking portraits which were really helpful.