Thursday photo #269
As the children get older, I’m starting to get used to the times of year that are going to be busy. Christmas is a no brainer. Plays, shows, parties and events see us booked up most weekends. Yet if anything, the Summer is even busier. Something happens every weekend and most of the time, the events overlap. There’s one particular weekend this month that’s going to be so busy I’m starting to worry about it already. Something is bound to go wrong as we’re on such a tight schedule. And that’s despite having turned down more things than I can count on one hand for that same weekend.

Becoming a swimming mum
As a former competitive swimmer myself, I have every respect for swimming mums. But it’s not something I ever aspired to be. Because swimming mums make huge, thankless sacrifices in their own lives to ferry their offspring around.
The problem starts earlier than you realise, when you try to do the right thing with tiny babies. Introducing them to the pool early so they’re not scared of the water. Perhaps they’ll take their first few tentative strokes with you in the pool, perhaps not. Whichever way they go, the next step is swimming lessons. Other kids get bored in their lessons and wait for the day they can swim well enough to stop learning. If that’s your child, you’re one of the lucky ones.
In comparison, swimming mum has a child who can’t wait to get to their lessons each week. They covet the badges as if they were olympic medals and race with their friends, determined to be the fastest. Soon, swimming club is mentioned. Club night once a week fits around their other activities. Until it doesn’t. Once a week becomes twice. Then three, four, five, six times plus galas every weekend. You think there’s no space for more swimming in your child’s life, when a coach utters those dreaded words, “morning training”.
Libby had her first swimming club session this week, so we’re officially on the treadmill. I’m keeping my fingers firmly crossed that she decides it’s not her sport before it takes over all of our lives.

In her shadow
Having never lived with siblings growing up, I’ve always been fascinated by the sibling relationship between my two. In particular, the way that Lia seems to rather graciously accept that her lot in life is to tag along with Libby.
Whilst they do seem to have similar interests, this means she spends a lot of time waiting to be able to do the same things as Libby. The one thing she’s been waiting to do for a long time is piano lessons. Libby started in year one and has a brilliant teacher who doesn’t teach children any younger. So, Lia had to wait. Luckily, we’ve just heard that a space has become available in September. Lia couldn’t be happier that it’s finally her turn.
Thursday photo #269
It was the girls’ school fair on Saturday and the theme was festivals. They loved dressing up and as you can probably tell, they chose their outfits themselves.

It’s hard enough being a ballet mum, football mum, rugby mum and athletics mum, but I know that swimming mums have to commit to way more. I’m in awe of any teenager who is in a pool at 6am on a school day – and any parent who has the patience to drive them there every day!
Good luck to Lia for her piano lessons. You’re actually lucky that she wants to do the same thing as her sister, as it makes life easier. My boys didn’t do much the same, apart from Scouting and a few years of rugby at the same club.
Yes I agree we’re so lucky that the girls want to do such similar things. I am sure all the sports yours do are a huge commitment too and I definitely advise keeping away from anything that involves training before school if possible!