Thursday photo #304

Isn’t it strange how everything seems to take so much longer than anticipated? I’ve had some work postponed this week due to a problem with the client’s computer system. It seemed like the ideal time to make a start on decorating Libby’s bedroom. I thought I’d manage to get the sanding and filling done. The reality was a little different. I’ve ended up having to remove skirting boards and floorboards and now it’s much worse than it was when I started. I’m crossing my fingers the work computer system stays down for a little longer.


I’ve never really been into shopping. Whether I’m buying clothes, food, gifts or something else I want or need, I don’t enjoy it. Trudging around the shops, trying things on. Comparing prices and mindlessly blowing money, only to get home and realise it doesn’t look good on me, or I don’t want or need it as much as I thought I did.

This didn’t change when I had children. I know I should love buying gifts for them, or looking for clothes they’d love when I’m out and about. But I don’t. And as for shopping with them? It’s rare. I hate seeing them spend their money on things they don’t need. Something they really, really want but by the time they’re home, it will be discarded within minutes. So, we hardly ever go shopping.

My attitude hasn’t rubbed off on the girls though. They love to go shopping. Whether I’ve agreed to buy something, they’ve got pocket money to spend or it’s somebody’s birthday, it’s a treat to walk around the shops and find something to buy. I quite enjoyed shopping with them for new coats in Bristol at the weekend, but I do hope that my dislike of shopping hasn’t created two little shopaholics.

World Book Day

At the beginning of last term, Libby started swimming with the school. She had been looking forward to it because it’s her sport. She’s not a fast runner, she isn’t great at ball sports because of her eyesight but swimming, she can do. She looked forward to being in the pool with her friends. She’s confident in the water and thought it would be fun.

The reality was a little different. She ended up in a lane with boys who weren’t as good as her at swimming. But the boys refused to let her swim in front because “boys are better swimmers than girls”. Instead, she’d start at the back of the lane and overtake them every single length. Only to be told she still couldn’t go in front and have to start from the back again. With a group of five boys ganging up on her, there was little she could do about it. I spoke to the teacher about it but nothing was done and it happened again. So, I withdrew my consent for her to go swimming. What should have been a confidence boost for her had turned out to be quite the opposite.

So for world book day, Libby has decided to go as Sarah Thomas, the swimmer who made four non-stop channel crossings last year. Unfortunately she’s not in this year’s Guinness Book of Records, but I’ve told Libby she can go as her anyway because she’ll definitely be in next year’s. Perhaps dressing as arguably the best distance swimmer of our time, who also happens to be female, will give at least one person food for thought.

Thursday photo #304

World book day featuring Sarah Thomas and Rosa Parks.

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  1. That’s really awful about the swimming! Well done to you for taking a stand, but what a shame the school haven’t dealt with it. In my experience, most girls go through a shopaholic stage between the ages of about 10 and 12. Hopefully, as you don’t like shopping yourself, it won’t last beyond that for your girls. My daughter already likes it a lot less than she did.

    1. Thank you, we have been quite disappointed about the way school have dealt with the problem at swimming, especially since it’s generally a lovely school. Good to hear that your daughter is less bothered about shopping now, fingers crossed mine come out the other side of it too!