Baby Eviction Techniques!
Update: I wrote this just before I had my second baby and none of these worked for me! I ended up being induced. I’m guessing you’re desperate to avoid induction but if that’s the way it goes for you, don’t worry. It’s not the greatest experience but you’ll get there. Soon you will have your baby in your arms. Look at my little one now! Nonetheless, read on for ten things that are said to help you prevent being induced. Best wishes from me for your final days of pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

At the moment I find myself in a very familiar position. I’m 39 weeks pregnant with absolutely no sign of an imminent birth on the horizon. My last pregnancy ended in induction, and even that wasn’t straight forward, taking the best part of four days for baby to turn up. I have read every urban myth and medical recommendation about how to bring on labour and tried out almost all of them to no avail.
I’ve heard the chance of being induced with a second baby is smaller. Fingers crossed I can avoid induction this time! Please share your tips too. So, here are the things I’ve tried, along with a couple that I won’t!
1. Exercise to bring on labour
Walking is widely accepted to be great for bringing on labour, as is swimming. When I was pregnant with Libby, I was walking miles and miles, much of it uphill as late as the day before being induced at 11 days overdue. I also swam regularly, played tennis, squash and badminton even after my due date. I can safely say, this is a myth, it doesn’t work.
2. Can sex induce childbirth?
My husband has been looking forward to this part of pregnancy because last time the midwife told us that it was one of the best things to bring on labour. It wasn’t, we checked.
3. Raspberry Leaf Tea
This is a myth. It strengthens your contractions but won’t make you go into labour. I do drink this, I think it’s worth doing if it will make my contractions more effective, because it should result in a shorter labour. I’m a firm believer that keeping fit will also help with a shorter labour because the muscles will be more effective when it comes to pushing.
4. Clary Sage
This has been recommended to me by my midwife if the contractions slow down during labour. However, she assures me that it won’t bring on labour so it’s not worth investing in myself, I’d be better to ask for an aromatherapy midwife if needed during birth.
5. The pineapple myth for bringing on labour
The core of a pineapple is supposed to contain something that stimulates oxytocin production. I ate so much pineapple when I was overdue with Libby that my mouth was stinging. It did nothing.

6. Tonic Water
The quinine in tonic water is supposed to bring on labour, from what I recall, diet tonic water is supposed to be the most effective. It didn’t work for me.
7. Dates
As in the eating variety. There was a study that showed that eating dates regularly in the final weeks of pregnancy could prevent the necessity for induction. I’ve only read this recently and believe me, I have tried to eat them but only dry dates are available at the moment and I just hate them. I tried eating them whole, putting them in a smoothy or putting them in porridge but I just can’t do it. I have resorted to having a couple of spoonfuls of date extract each day. It hasn’t worked so far but it tastes good!
8. Nipple stimulation to bring on labour
This isn’t recommended until after your due date because, apparently, it can be really effective. Expressing colostrum is supposed to bring on labour. It didn’t work for me last time.
9. Blue and black cohosh
I haven’t tried this, but it is supposed to bring on regular contractions. However, I have also heard that it isn’t safe and can cause some nasty side effects so I won’t be trying it.
10. Why I won’t be using castor oil to induce labour
This basically give you diarrhoea, and the contractions from your bowel are supposed to trigger labour contractions. However, I WON’T be doing this because it is dangerous for the baby. What you eat, the baby effectively eats so the baby can also end up with diarrhoea, causing them to excrete meconium before or during birth. They can then inhale this, ending up with breathing difficulties after birth. Much as I want to evict baby, I wouldn’t put her at risk in order to do so.
If you have tried anything that worked (or didn’t), please do share. I’d love to hear about it, I’m willing to give most things a try. Fingers crossed for an imminent labour, Libby is ready to meet you baby sister!

I’ve had 5 children, I went into labour naturally each time between 10 days early and 4 late. No amount of anything brought those babies on before they were ready!
The only time my waters have gone before I was actually delivering was no.4 (my earliest at -10 days) – we were watching Alien v’s Predator in bed and heard a very loud ‘pop’ 😀 You could try that – it’s as effective as most of the others!
Hahaha I do agree, it seems that if baby’s not ready she’s not coming out. Shame I’ll have to be induced though 🙁