Thursday photo #250
This is the first time for a while that the school holidays has seemed somewhat hard going. Usually, the thought of it is harder than the reality. This half term has been a challenge though, and I’m not even sure why.

A short break in Dorset
As we usually do in the school holidays, we decided to make the most of the camper van and have a few days away. This time, we headed for Highlands End holiday park in Dorset. They have static caravans, glamping pods and camping for camper vans, caravans and tents. The facilities are excellent with a swimming pool and leisure complex, several children’s playgrounds and an incredibly dog friendly bar and restaurant. They even serve dog meals including sausages specially cooked for the dog. With the beach just a short walk away, this was an ideal base for a short break.

We all had a brilliant break. The girls loved all the playgrounds and made the most of the swimming pool. We spent ages playing on the beach, running away from the waves, throwing stones into the sea and generally enjoying the fresh air. When my husband took the girls to the swimming pool, I took the dog for a swim in the sea. The waves were a bit fierce but we managed a quick swim. It’s incredible how much warmer the sea is than the river at this time of year!

The rest of the week
Since we got back from Dorset, my husband has gone back to work and he was away on Monday night. The girls have spent a couple of afternoons with my mum and I’ve taken them to the park, soft play, swimming and for a walk on the hills. It has still seemed like we’ve been at home a lot though, and none of us are very good at that.

Thankfully, we’ve got plans for today and tomorrow. The girls are going to a fun day at their riding school today, which will allow me to get into the river for a swim. I’m meeting some other open water swimmers who I follow on Instagram, which I’m really looking forward to. The girls are also going to do some crafts at a local shopping centre on Friday which they can’t wait for. At the weekend, the weather forecast is looking glorious so we’re hoping to make the most of it by visiting a National Trust property, maybe with the girls’ bikes.
Thursday photo #250
Two hundred and fifty weeks of taking photos of this little pair seems like a bit of a milestone. These posts remind me every week of why I started my blog. To share the good times and bad times of our journey as a family. When we were on the beach on Saturday, the girls found a couple of plastic bottles. They wanted to pick them up and put them in the recycling bin so they didn’t get into the ocean. I can’t take credit for this because they’ve learnt about litter and recycling at school. But it does make me very proud of them and pleased that we managed to find such an amazing school for them that aligns so well with our own values.