Thursday photo #257
After last week’s hectic schedule, it has been nice to take a step back from all the chaos over the past few days. Instead of having our usual family day out on Saturday, we baked a cake and walked to the local pub for lunch. The girls were going a bit stir crazy by the end of the day, but it was nice not to be rushing around for a change.

Parent’s evening
With the end of term comes parents evening as always. I have been pleasantly surprised by Libby’s parents evenings since she’s had her current teacher. She’s always tried hard, but has struggled with a few things, particularly maths. This year though, she seems to have come into her own. Much like last time we spoke to her, the teacher talked about a little girl who behaves well in class, gets along with everyone and works hard. She even mentioned that her SATS scores are expected to be very good in all subjects.
I don’t know what has changed this year, but I’m really pleased for Libby. The teacher’s way of putting things across obviously really works for her. I had always thought that we’d need to get some extra tutoring for her in maths so her confidence didn’t end up destroyed. It’s a great feeling to know that all her hard work is paying off and we don’t need to do that now.

As for Lia, I still haven’t managed to chat to her teacher yet. They were running so late that I couldn’t wait any longer and had to take Libby to her piano lesson. Luckily, there’s a parent’s evening today as well so we booked in for that instead. I’m not expecting quite such a glowing report about Lia because she’s not one of life’s triers. Perhaps she’ll surprise me.

A last long run
With the London marathon approaching, most people are tapering now in preparation. This means cutting down to much shorter runs in the few weeks prior to the race. I was hoping to do my last long run last week, but I was so busy I couldn’t manage to fit it in. This week, my husband is away so I couldn’t go too far from home incase one of the girls needed picking up from school. So instead, I decided to run a six mile loop from home.
I was going to do the loop either three or four times. I couldn’t decide which. Right up until the middle of the third loop, I hadn’t made my mind up. Then though, the aching legs got to me and I decided enough was enough. So, that was my longest training run. 17 miles, nine short of the marathon. I’m not sure where I’m going to find the last nine miles from but I’ll have to dig deep.
Thursday photo #257
I haven’t taken many photos of the girls this week, so I frog marched them out onto the decking before dinner yesterday to take this. Not the most exciting photo, but they’re both looking at the camera, so I’ll take that as a win.