Thursday photo #251
What a beautiful week. Sunshine at this time of year makes it seem like Spring really is just around the corner doesn’t it? The girls are back to school, I’m back into a routine with work and the river is warming up already.

Yesterday, I fully intended to get up early and have an hour to myself walking on the Malvern Hills with the dog and watching the sunrise. I set my alarm for 6am and crept around the house getting ready to go so I didn’t wake the girls. But just as I was about to go downstairs, their bedroom door opened and out came Libby.
I’d usually try to persuade her to go back to bed at that time in the morning, but I knew she wouldn’t sleep. So, I had a choice between letting her go and watch television for an hour or taking her with me. So, my hour to myself didn’t happen. But I had a lovely hour with Libby, walking up the Herefordshire Beacon, playing on the hills and taking some photos. This one is probably my favourite.

I decided not to take Lia although she was awake because I worried we wouldn’t get up there in time for sunrise if we went at her pace. Next time though, I’ll take her as well. As the children get older, I’m adjusting my expectations as to what I can do on my own. I am someone who needs time to myself, but sometimes having a little chatterbox for company is just as much fun.

Is this weather too good?
Have you seen the posts going round social media about this weather being a sign of global warming? I think they’re probably right. It’s not natural weather for this time of year. But in all honesty, I can’t imagine the environmental change has been notable enough in the past year to create the difference between this February and last February.
In my mind, it’s more likely to be a combination of the general effect of global warming and a natural weather phenomenon. That said, if it’s raising awareness of global warming and making us think more carefully about looking after our planet then it can only be a good thing.
As a family, we’re making the most of the weather whilst making sure we do our bit for the environment. We had a lovely day out at Croome on Saturday when the girls rode their bikes. Both of them had minor achievements, with Libby riding up the big hill for the first time and Lia riding down a big hill using her brakes without any help. It looks like the weather will soon be back to normal but we’re enjoying it while it lasts.

Thursday photo #251
We’ve been to the girls’ favourite park a couple of times this week. The second time we went, it was deserted. So, the girls made the most of it by putting on some music and having a dance. It always makes me smile to see them dance with no inhibitions whatsoever.

What a gorgeous photo of the girls! And your photo of the hill in the morning light is stunning. I agree that the company of one chatterbox is always nice. Sometimes two or three chatterboxes (or two or three uncomfortable silences) isn’t quite such a good thing. I’m pleased to say that my daughter still dances with no inhibitions whatsoever, including in shops, much to her brothers’ horror.
Ahh it’s so lovely that your daughter still dances with no inhibitions! Yes, I do find it harder with more than one chatterbox going at a time!