Thursday photo #319
Things have changed slightly around here since last week, Lia has gone back to school. The girls have been horse riding and we celebrated Libby’s birthday with a couple of friends who were able to come and visit her in the garden. I know we are a long way from getting back to normal but for us, these small steps have made a big difference.

Lia was nervous about going back to school, which was understandable. She knew it would be different. When we arrived, we bumped into the mum of one of her good friends who was already there. Lia was delighted that she was going to see her friend, but equally cross that she couldn’t give him a hug. Since going back, she has come home every day talking about the fun she has been having with the children she has missed during lockdown.
For Libby’s birthday last Thursday, one of her friends popped over as a surprise. It wasn’t my idea, her mum got in touch to ask if they could call in with a present for Libby. Although I knew we were allowed to meet with a total of six people, it hadn’t crossed my mind to arrange anything for her birthday. She couldn’t have a party or go out anywhere and I knew family would call over. I booked a riding lesson and thought that was enough.
When her friend’s mum got in touch to say that her friend wanted to come over, I was so pleased for Libby. Not just because they would be able to see each other, but because she had a friend who had thought to do that for her. They have kept in touch during lockdown by letters and on zoom, along with two other girls in their little friendship group. We called around to see another of her friends this week too and it has been so lovely to see them picking up where they left off.

Cycling along the canal
Whilst it’s great that outdoor attractions are able to open again, we haven’t been tempted to go to one just yet. We’ve been enjoying walks and bike rides in our local area and decided to stick with that for a bit longer. The one thing we were missing though was somewhere flat for the girls to ride their bikes. We considered going cycling in the Forest of Dean or Cannock Chase but decided they’d probably be too busy.
Instead, we headed to our nearest canal towpath and took the children for a cycle down there. It was the right decision. Both girls loved the flat route and we saw lots of wildlife. A swan took a disliking to Bubbles but we made it passed with plenty of hissing but no physical contact. There were cygnets and ducklings everywhere and we even saw a very young foal. That made Lia’s day.

Thursday photo #319
Things are still quite relaxed here although we’re doing a little more day to day. The girls are finding time to play games and I think it’s easy to see who was winning when I took this photo.

How lovely for Libby to see her friends for her birthday! It is a strange in-between sort of time. I think we sometimes forget that we can now do more than we could a month ago and that it is possible to see friends.
The canal towpath looks a perfect place for riding bikes.
Thank you, it was really lovely to see them. I agree, it’s an odd time. I know there are certain things we can do that we’re not doing but I’m quite keen not to rush into anything, it’s nice doing a bit less for a while.