Thursday photo #325
As much as the first week of the school holidays dragged, this one has gone in a flash. We’re not back to our usual levels of chaos, but we’ve started to get out and about a bit more. Most notably, the children have finally been swimming. Not quite in the nice warm swimming pool they were expecting, but the river was definitely a good alternative.

Revisiting old haunts
Up until Lia went to school, we went to National Trust Croome most weeks. Lia and I would often go while Libby was at school for a walk, a drink and a ride on her bike. Then we’d sometimes go at the weekend as a family. It was a great way to make the most of our National Trust membership, especially when we took a picnic and made it a free day out.
More recently, our visits had become less frequent but it was still our default place to go for a walk a little further from home. Then lockdown happened. When National Trust places reopened, I was cautious. I didn’t want to rush there straight away but there came a point when we needed to get out and about a bit more, so Croome was the natural choice.
The problem with the pre-booking system is that if you’re a bit disorganised and forget to check the weather forecast when you book, you end up visiting in the rain. Of course, that’s exactly what we did. Despite that, it was a lovely day out. There’s a one way system in place so we didn’t see many people at all. We found a tree to sit underneath for a picnic. The girls climbed trees and chattered away. It was a lovely way to spend a morning.

Blackberry picking
I always used to think of September as blackberry season. I’m not sure whether that’s my memory playing tricks on me, or whether the season has become earlier. Either way, there is an abundance of blackberries around here at the moment. We’ve been blackberry picking twice now and made two crumbles.
I would love to share a photo of the crumble, but they get devoured within moments of coming out of the oven. Instead, here’s a photo of the girls. Lia has her own ideas as to appropriate attire for blackberry picking. I think she would fit in better at a music festival.

Thursday photo #325
Despite things getting mildly more exciting here over the past week, nothing has been more exciting for the girls than going swimming. I’m not sure why I waited so long to take them really. They loved it so much we’re going again at the weekend.

Oh yay for them going swimming. I still haven’t been back and really ought to. Our boys are spending far too much time inside.
Blackberries have come earlier and earlier for years but yes was def Sept/Oct when I was a kid because it was the same time as the cooking apples from our tree.
I’m so glad others have said the same about the blackberries, I though my memory was going! I hope you manage to get out for a swim soon.
Hi Nat, it’s lovely that your girls enjoy being outdoors and active. If we were in the UK I would get a National Trust membership for sure. Insanely my parents only joined once me and my sister were all grown up. Not sure why they waited… I also recall September as blackberry season. Dad used to take us up in the fields with our buckets and I’m sure that had something to do with my irrational fear of spiders… Lia seems a proper character. I love the fact that you let her be herself and that outfit really rocks!
Hi Debbie, what a shame that your parents didn’t have a membership but I think it was very different back then, the National Trust are great at including children these days. Glad it’s not just me that remembered September being blackberry season!
Hi Nat, I just lost a comment, so apologies if I’m repeating myself. It is great that your girls love being outdoors and active, I hope they continue to enjoy it even when they are all grown up! Having a National Trust membership is something I would definitely have if we were in the UK. Such beautiful areas to explore and enjoy… I too recall September as blackberry season. Dad would take me and my sister armed with buckets up to the cow fields to collect them. I also remember the spiders being humungous! I love the fact you let Lia be her wacky self, her choice of blackberrying outfit rocks!
Thank you for posting again, I really appreciate it and sorry my blog lost your other comment, it is showing for me! Lia is definitely a little character and becoming more so as she gets older, there’s no way I could stop her from being herself, she is very strong willed!!