Thursday photo #331
Just like that, the children are back to school. It is becoming increasingly clear that this whole thing isn’t really diminishing. Lockdown measures are already beginning to tighten again but I live in hope that they won’t have to close all schools anytime soon. Children have suffered so much due to a virus that has such a minimal impact on them. For the time being though, we are continuing to carefully enjoy a bit of freedom. I’ve had some hot cups of tea and a couple of river swims. Lockdown has definitely made me reassess what’s important.

The pantomime that wasn’t and the ballet show that was
For as long as I can remember, Libby has been asking to audition for the local pantomime. Whilst they do use children in the chorus, they have taken the strange decision to only use pupils from one local ballet school. This isn’t the ballet school my girls go to and we have no intention of changing. Both of them are progressing really well with ballet and love their lessons. I wouldn’t consider moving them for the sake of one show.
In recent years, I have followed Sarah’s posts about her daughter taking part in their local panto. They live relatively near to us and the theatre puts on a professional pantomime each year. I had it in my head that children would need to be nine years old to audition. Surprisingly though, earlier this year we realised they only had to be eight. So, Libby was able to audition.
Until Covid struck. For months we have been checking the website to see whether the panto would go ahead. Sadly but unsurprisingly, they recently revealed that it was cancelled for 2020. Libby was disappointed, but I had already told her that it was unlikely. Then yesterday, she was asked whether she wanted to play a little part in her ballet school show. Of course, the answer was yes. To say she was pleased is an understatement. I suspect Macaulay Culkin was less excited when he landed the starring role in Home Alone.

The joy of packed lunches
Being back at school has been a real game changer for my girls. I’m not saying I made a terrible teacher, but they skipped out of the door like spring lambs on their first day. The week of school that has since passed hasn’t remotely dampened their enthusiasm. If anything, they seem happier and more settled every day.
For Libby, there is an added bonus that goes along with being back to school. She gets packed lunches. For those of us who had packed lunches pretty much every day of our school lives, they become a little bit dull. I always felt like I’d won the lottery if I got cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. My parenting skills aren’t up to remembering to pack a lunch every day. So, the girls have school lunches which are excellent and always have a vegetarian option that they enjoy.
For the first week back at school though, Key Stage 2 have been unable to have school lunches. Despite my rather rubbish packed lunches, forgetting to get anything exciting in and generally being a bit useless, Libby is delighted to have packed lunches each day. Lia is even a little bit jealous. I suspect if it went on too much longer the novelty would soon wear off. Thankfully, they’ll be back to their nice, nutritious school lunches next week. And I’m off the hook for making sandwiches.
Thursday photo #231
I published last week’s post before the girls went to school for their first day, so here is the traditional back to school photo. Better late than never.

It’s such a shame about the panto! I really hope Libby gets to audition next year. Sadly my daughter won’t be there next year as she will be in year 11, but she’s hoping to go back for year 12. How lovely that Libby got her part in the ballet show though!
It’s good to hear that the girls are enjoying school. My kids aren’t enjoying it much at all with all the Covid rules. Everything that was fun about school is gone.
It is a real shame about the panto isn’t it? And so sad for your daughter that she can’t do it next year either. Sorry to hear yours aren’t enjoying school, what a pity. I think it is a lot harder for high school, so many more changes for them than the little ones.
Hi Nat, it’s going to be a very odd festive season this year and at least Libby gets to be in a show… I think I had a packed lunch for pretty much all my schooling years (maybe not so much at high school). I must have had literally thousands of Marmite sandwiches in those years, how I still love the stuff I don’t know!… My sister works in a school canteen and, oh, how school dinners have changed. The dinners sound better than you’d buy out.
Yes the school dinners do sound excellent! I used to have marmite sandwiches too and still love it! Yes Libby is delighted to be in a show, they are recording it in bits rather than doing it in the theatre which seems like a great idea to me.
Love the back to school photo. I can imagine the novelty of taking in a packed lunch is fun for Libby. I’m with you though – much happier to go with school meals and not have to remember to do sandwiches each day! How disappointing for Libby (and other people) that the panto has been cancelled this year but well done to her on getting a part in her ballet show. I hope that will be able to go ahead. Sophie was going to audition to be in Annie when lockdown happened. It’s been postponed until next autumn now, so hopefully she’ll still have the chance to be involved later on. Glad you’re enjoying some hot cups of tea and getting some river swims in now the girls are back at school x
Oh what a shame that Sophie’s show was postponed. Is that one you can audition for as well? It must have been amazing performing together in your last show. Libby’s ballet show is going to be done on video this year instead of in the theatre so hopefully it will be able to go ahead.
Oh yay for the ballet show. It is disappointing that the panto has had to be postponed – fingers crossed Libby gets a part in the chorus when it is on. I will definitely come and watch her if she does.
My children are loving having the odd treat of a school lunch. The teen has only recently been able to have hot food at school though and he isn’t really bothered. But yes it is a lot of the same old when it comes to lunches here. We aren’t allowed peanut butter I don’t think either.
Oh good point about peanut butter, I bet my two wouldn’t be allowed that these days either. We’re crossing our fingers she’ll manage to do panto next year, she would be delighted if you came to watch!