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Our Thursday Photo #12
The weeks are going by incredibly quickly, with Lia growing by the day. She is now laughing (particularly when I pretend to sneeze), smiling all the time and constantly watching what’s going on around her. This has led me to start thinking about weaning. The advice from health visitors at the moment is not to…

Thursday photo #195
It seems that the climate of the blogging world is changing. Since the beginning of 2018, work has been somewhat different. Online, everyone seems to be looking for a quick fix. Visual media, video and images are replacing writing in so many instances. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, but are we getting…

Our Thursday photo #64
I can’t believe another week has passed already and Thursday has come round again. Mercifully, tomorrow marks the end of my month of working all hours god sends to try to earn a bit of extra money. It has gone quite well and I will be able to start looking at my business again as…

Thursday Photo #88
We are now well and truly back into the swing of toddler term time. Libby is at nursery every afternoon except for Mondays. This means that she’s with us in the mornings and it has been lovely to have that extra time with her. However, I’ve always had a bit of a mental block when…

Our Thursday Photo #78
Things are definitely getting a little easier here. I’m still struggling to find the time to do anything but somehow it just doesn’t seem quite so difficult. Perhaps that’s because we’ve had a few really nice days since last Thursday. The first was the fireworks at Drayton Manor last Friday. Sad though it was that my…

Thursday photo #290
Every year, Autumn comes as a surprise. That sounds ridiculous. It’s not a surprise that it arrives, I know it’s coming. But I love summer. I enjoy the warm weather, days out paddle boarding, surfing, wild swimming and being around the water. Family time while the girls are off school. Long, hot evenings sitting outside…