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Our Thursday Photo #58
Time and again on a Thursday, I find myself sitting down to write about my week, and I’ve got no idea what’s happened. I remember that on Saturday, we went to the Sea Life Centre which we all enjoyed. On Sunday, we went swimming and afterwards, Lia took her first couple of unaided steps between a…
Thursday photo #194
What a wash out this week has been. Hideous weather and illness have conspired against us. But despite it all, we’ve managed to brace ourselves against the elements and get outdoors. Which was definitely the right decision. The weather What a week of shocking weather. The end of last week was so windy that we…
Thursday Photo #118
This past week, we’ve been taking things quite easy. Lots of swimming and a few mornings at home to allow for the dreaded potty training. Lia has been ready to come out of nappies for a while, and she is capable of mastering the potty – as she has demonstrated. Unfortunately, she is also very,…
Thursday Photo #106
We’re all really enjoying the sunny weather at last, it seems to have been so long coming this year. On Saturday, we headed into Birmingham for a trip to the National Sea Life Centre, the first of our outings as 2016 blogger ambassadors for them. We had a fabulous time there and my sister met…
Thursday photo #324
With the school summer holidays finally here, it is a strange feeling that nothing has changed. My husband took the day off on Monday and we had a lovely day out with friends. We even saw a kingfisher while we ate our picnic by a stream. Since then though, we have pretty much carried on…
Thursday Photo #115
Having put off the inevitable for quite some time, we finally decided that this was the week we’d move the children into bunk beds. Lia loved sleeping in a big bed when we were at Blairmore Farm and Bluestone, and I knew she would soon be climbing out of her cot. So, I found some…