Our Thursday Photo #74
Sadly Libby, Lia and I are still limping along as a threesome this week, with their dad still not home from hospital after his accident.
It’s pretty difficult being the only functioning adult in the household, especially as a freelancer as I have no capacity to stop working. It has made me more picky about the work I’m taking on though, even down to basics like replying to emails.
I have always made sure that I reply to people emailing me about work, even if just out of courtesy. This past week, I’ve only been replying if I’m interested in what they’ve got to say but if not, I’m afraid it’s a straightforward delete.
Our current chaos just making me less tolerant for people I don’t want to waste my time on. I suppose that’s not a bad attitude to have, life is definitely too short and too vulnerable to waste.
So, much like last week, I haven’t got time to dwell on the difficult parts of the week, I’d much rather look at the positives.
Like the way that Libby has stepped up to help me out with Lia at home. Whenever we get in, they both go together to put their shoes in the cupboard. Libby takes hers off and puts them in and Lia sits down and removes the one shoe that she can take off. I have no idea why she can only remove her right shoe.
Libby will then help her to take her other shoe off and put them away.
Lia can now go safely downstairs as well as up. My husband will be unable to carry her for a good few months so it’s quite important that she learns to do things herself. Libby has shown her how to slide down feet first on her tummy which she has quickly got the hang of.
My next job will be to teach Lia to climb in and out of her car seat but this isn’t going quite so well, I’m not sure she’s ready for it just yet. We’ve had a few face-plants.
I went through a similar process with Libby at Lia’s age because my back suffered when I was pregnant with Lia so I didn’t want to carry her too much. I think this was one of the things that led to Libby being as independent as she is now, so I’m hoping that Lia will be the same.
Libby has been enjoying singing and dancing this week and Lia is joining in more and more. Our Thursday photo #74 shows Libby teaching Lia some dance moves. Please excuse the fuzzy picture, it seems that dancing isn’t too easy to capture in photographic form.