Magical Hydrangeas as a gift for garden lovers
Do you find that gift giving isn’t as easy as it once was? Years ago, we would take a stab at guessing what the recipient wanted. They might appreciate the sentiment but after a few days or weeks, the novelty would wear off. Unwanted presents would make their way to landfill and we didn’t think much more of it. These days though, there’s a pressure of social responsibility to buy wisely. Anything that is short lived and destined for landfill is out. Instead, we turn to more practical gifts that quite literally keep on giving. For anyone who loves to be outdoors, Magical Hydrangeas are an ideal option.

Why Magical Hydrangeas?
Far from wilting like cut flowers, these incredible plants bloom and grow with four different colours to enjoy. Their long flowering season from May to November makes them ideal to brighten up the garden well into the Autumn months. In fact, their colours blend beautifully into the autumnal hues as the year progresses. By the end of their season, the flowers are a deep, rich red with light green detail on each petal.

Magical Hydrangeas are a fantastic gift because handing them to the recipient is like handing them a huge bouquet. I gave mine to my mum with many of the flowers still beginning to bloom. Some of the flowers were developing a delicate, purple-blue colour, while others were still in bud. She planted it the same day and a couple of days later, it was looking even more beautiful.

Care for Magical Hydrangeas
Another advantage of Magical Hydrangeas is that they’re very easy to look after. If you’re keeping them in the pot, they’ll need regular watering. However, they are resilient to sun, rain and frost and they don’t require pruning. This means you can plant them pretty much anywhere, as long as they’ll have enough space to grow.

When I bought my house back in 2003, there were hydrangeas growing in the garden. Since then, I’ve done very little to look after them. I cut them back (probably wrongly) whenever they get a bit too big. I water them if the weather is really dry. that’s about it. Despite my lack of care and attention, they’re still in full bloom.

That’s why Magical Hydrangeas are so far removed from the short-lived gifts most of us try to avoid. They could provide a beautifully flowering garden for many years to come.

Head to the Magical Four Seasons website to find your nearest stockist of Magical Hydrangeas.
I do love hydrangeas, although we have one that has a tendency to wilt and doesn’t grow much at all! Anything with colour lasting for six months of the year has to be the perfect gift. Sadly I think there are still far too many people who don’t think of the environmental impact of the gifts they are giving.
My mum says that planting hydrangeas in a spot that gets a lot of shade is helpful for them, maybe your wilting one needs a parasol? I agree about gifts, such a shame more people don’t think of the environment. I’d rather have nothing than something that will end up in land fill.