Win an NFco tooth care Hamper
[AD] Contains gifted products
A few months ago, I reviewed some fabulous natural tooth care products from Jack and Jill Kids. At the time, I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t make something similar for adults. It is so difficult to find palm oil free toothpaste and toothbrushes are notoriously bad for the environment. That’s why I was delighted to hear that Jack and Jill have branched out to make The Natural Family Company – eco friendly tooth care for the whole family.

Introducing NFco
The Natural Family Company – NFco for short – was developed in response to numerous public requests for a natural daily toothpaste. The products are based on Australian native river mint. It cleans effectively, tastes minty, contains natural ingredients and is free from palm oil and other nasties. It is suitable for the whole family to use.
Alongside the toothpaste, NFco have developed a range of family toothbrushes. Like the Jack and Jill kids brushes, these are entirely biodegradable, along with their packaging. Regular toothbrushes cannot be recycled and will stay for years in landfill, so this is a real breakthrough.

Trying out the NFco toothpaste
I’ve been trying out the NFco original and whitening toothpastes. Both taste very fresh, without being overpoweringly minty. Neither contains fluoride and I know this is very much a matter of personal choice. I I’m not qualified to comment on the benefit or detriment of fluoride in toothpaste. However, brushing with the NFco toothpaste has definitely left my teeth feeling clean and my mouth feeling fresh.
Both toothpastes are vegan, cruelty free and free from GMO, parabens, gluten, soy, sugar, SLS and artificial flavours and colours. They contain 25% Xylitol which helps maintain a neutral PH level in the mouth and prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth.
Unlike other brands, the whitening toothpaste doesn’t feel harsh or abrasive on my teeth. That said, it does appear to be very effective. I rarely use a whitening brand and my teeth do stain from drinking tea and coffee. The NFco whitening toothpaste appears to be slowly removing the stains and I’ve been very impressed with it.

My thoughts on the NFco toothbrushes
I’ve been using the bio brush with stand. This is a very soft bristled brush and I have to admit that when I realised this, I thought I wouldn’t like it. I generally go for quite a hard bristle because it makes me feel like my teeth are going to get cleaner. Having tried it out though, that’s not the case at all. Brushing with this feels like I’m polishing my teeth rather than brushing them.
The other thing I love about the brush is the stand, because it does drive me mad not being able to stand my toothbrush up. The regular bio brush fits in the stand too, so you only have to buy the stand once. For me though, the main appeal of these brushes is the fact that they are biodegradable. As I’ve now found out that they are also effective for teeth cleaning, I will be buying them instead of our regular brushes in future in order to reduce our environmental impact.

Win an NFco tooth care hamper
NFco have kindly agreed to give away a family hamper worth around £75. The hamper contains:
- 4 toothpastes
- 4 toothbrushes with stands
- 2 twin packs of tooth brushes (without stands)
If you’d like to win a dental care hamper for your family, you can enter using the Rafflecopter below. Please read my competition terms and conditions before entering. Don’t forget to check out my other competitions too, there are some brilliant prizes up for grabs.
Composing our waste at home and recycling
Great to look after the environment
I agree, it’s so important.
We recycle almost everything and I make and mend so I buy less!
You sound very talented Tracy, I wish I could make things!
We recycle everything and my hubby works for a re-use charity too! We are very environmentally friendly here 🙂
A re-use charity, what a great idea!
We reuse, recycle and mend as much as possible instead of buying new.
That’s a great idea, much less waste!
We recycle.
Fab, if only everyone did!
Recycle as much as we can and compost to use on the garden for growing our own veg
That’s brilliant, I need to get composting!
We try to use Eco friendly products where possible and avoid excessive packaging .We use material bags and never buy bags at the supermarket . We also do not compost teabags anymore only their contents after learning that tea bags are made with plastic mixed into the bag
Gosh, I had no idea about the teabags!
We have an organic garden so no chemicals,slug pellets or weed killers and i grow lots of bee and butterfly loving plants and have an allotment area. We also compost the kitchen waste.
Sounds perfect!
we recycle and pick up rubbish off the meadows, I am vegetarian and my wife is vegan.
We recycle and we always turn our electrics off at the main.
We recycle as much waste as we can and are very frugle when using electricity and gas
Saves a fortune as well doesn’t it?
We recycle, walk when we can, and make sure we don’t use too much electricity in the home (we don’t have gas) xx
That’s brilliant, walking is such a good one.
I haven’t heard of those, interesting to find different options.
walk or cycle when we can instead of using the car or bus.
We are very good at recycling and always turn lights off if not required.
I like the look of these. I make our toothpaste from coconut oil, bicarb, xylitol, calcium carbonate and peppermint oil, but we often need a tube of paste for when we’re away or during the summer when the coconut oil paste is too liquid. I’ve been gradually reducing the amount of waste we produce, for example each month I look at another area where we are producing waste and tackle it. I switched from disposable pan scrubbers to a plastic pan brush that will last for months, replaced disposable dish clothes with washable ones, this month I’ve started using washable sanitary wear. We produce less than a quarter of the rubbish our neighbours do but there are still improvement we can make, and toothbrushes are one of them.
That’s amazing Maz, such a great idea to gradually reduce your waste.
we do lots of recycling
We recycle and we grow almost all our own meat fruit and veg.
buy food to just last a week no waste also minimal packaging
We go on beach clean ups
We do a lot of recycling and will be installing a compost bin to collect food waste
“WE” recycle.
We recycle what we can and try to eat all food so there is not much waste
these look fab x we have a large compost bin and we also keep chickens for our own eggs we also recycle plastic glass ect xx
We recycle, we minimise waste and walk and cycle instead of use cars
Recycling, re-use carrier bags, try to buy products with less wasteful packaging.
Recycle religiously, have 2 big grey wheelie bin that fill to the brim every fortnight
Turn the tap off when cleaning our teeth
I’ve been Vegan for almost 2 years now, and so am trying my best with recycling and being mindful of the products and foods I buy are vegan and cruelty free.
I recycle everything and re use things
we recycle everything we can and anything we cant like old clothes get donated
The main things we do are recycling and composting xxx
We’re always looking for better ways to do more re-cycling. The good thing is – with children – they encourage you by learning things at school…something we didn’t really do when we were younger.
we are all vegetarian so this definitely helps the planet! we also recycle and always use our reusable bags at the supermarket. we don’t even drive!
Recycling the best i can.
we recycle everything we can, always try to upcycle furniture and i like to make the girls some dolls clothes out of their old clothes/bedding 🙂
We recycle as much as we can and use up food on time and try not to throw any away x
Recycle 🙂
I recycle as much as I know how to but it does annoy me that so many local radio stations and tv stations who could put out information on where to take things fail to do so. Even local councils rarely list everything they will recycle and don’t give advice on how we can help even more (removing labels or lids etc.) So much potential that we need the media to step up.
We recycle all our waste
We recycle and try to use eco friendly products
We recycle as much as possible
We try to ‘make the place better’ anywhere we go and its become a family game that we’ve carried on as the children got older. We simply try to leave any place we visit better than when we arrive whether its by picking up a piece of litter, shutting a gate, making sure we say thank you if there is organic or fair trade food, feeding the birds, making sure we DON”T pick the wildflowers so everyone can enjoy them…only limited by imagination
That’s a lovely attitude, I wish more people did that.
we are all vegean so this definitely helps the planet and we recycle,always use reusable bags at the supermarket too x
We recycle whatever we can. We do not waste food
Recycle; the house is well insulated
Recycle & try to do our bit
try to recycle or buy eco friendly when we can, i never ever use plastic carrier bags, they drive me nuts!
We recycle most things and we don’t own a car so lots of walking and public transport when needed. More importantly though we talk to our young daughter and educate her about the importance of taking care of our environment and making good choices.
Not eating meat (makes most impact), recycling, walking/ cycling when possible, minimum food waste!
Recycle as much as we can.
walk or bike and recycle
We are big on trying to recycle most things that can be recycled
We recycle almost everything, give stuff to charity shops etc., capture water which is run when bringing down hot water for washing up etc. (used for watering plants, rinsing water for hand washing etc.).
Recycle, recycle, recycle, mostly! Whether I can recycle the packaging or not, and how easy it will be if I can, is a major part of my decision-making when it comes to purchases, too, though.
And I do like to ask companies if they’d be willing to use more environmentally-friendly packaging; there are still a lot of thick plastic tubs and the like being used, which isn’t great.
I’m very glad to read of the efforts more places are making to stop stocking plastic cotton buds. I have to buy paper ones online at the moment!
We recycle everything and the food waste too
We recycle our waste and use solar energy.
i always recycle everything i can
I’m vegan and my daughter is vegetarian. We grow herbs and a little veg, try to buy things loose and compost.
Being vegan, though primarily for the animals, is also amazing for the environment!
we grow our own vegtables
we do a lot of recycling, ie :- paper, tins, glass and food
We recycle everything possible, and I buy my clothes in a charity shop rather than buy new.
We recycle and reduce our water usage. We also do frequent community clean ups.
lots of recycling
We recycle as much as we can
We recycle, and have been replacing our low energy lightbulbs with leds, have really noticed a difference in energy use – any new appliances are bought with energy consumption used too
We recycle and forage
We stopped using single use plastics recently and try to buy products in glass which is more successfully recycled.
We recycle, make sure we turn off electrical items when not in use and walk wherever we can
We do our best to recycle and save water.
We are big on recycling in our house and we take a little extra time while shopping to make sure the packaging can be recycled. Recently watched a TV documentary about plastics in the sea. I was horrified!
We walk when we can. It’s so much better for the soul too 🙂
As a family we recycle as much as we can and try not to have too much waste for example we will write a list of meals for the week. We also give to my friends or nieces and nephews my sons old clothes, toys and books etc or we go to the local charity shop.
We recycle as much as we can and i always take my bags to the supermarket also got a compost bin for peelings etc.
We make our own compost and recycle, freecycle and upcycle as much as possible. We are very pro environment people
We recycle, We dont waste water and we compost our kitchen waste.
We re-cycle everything we can, adults shower rather than bath, & I only boil kettle with as much water as I need.
I recycle as much as I can and all our old clothes etc go to our local charity shop
We like to use the car as little as possible when we go out for family time and always recycle x
We recycle everything we can
We always recycle
We recycle and try to eat low on the food chain as much as possible.
Recycling 🙂
We recycle as much as we can and also collect rain water for watering plants
Recycle as much as we can, old clothes and books to charity and grown our own and cook from scratch
We recycle everything we can and throw out the least amount we can by giving things to friends, charity shops etc. I cook from scratch every day and am careful only to cook the amount we need. Any leftovers are used the following day or frozen for use later. When drawing down hot water for washing up we collect the water to use for watering plants, rinsing hand washing etc.
We meal plan to minimise our waste x
We keep recycling 🙂 xxx