Thursday photo #198

Doesn’t half term fly by? For months, I’ve been looking forward to being able to pick the girls up from school at the same time. After half term, I’ll be able to do just that. Lia will be in preschool three days a week for the same hours that Libby is in school. And now it’s nearly upon us, I wish time would slow down and half term could last a little longer.

All Things Wild

After much debate, we headed to All Things Wild near Evesham on Monday. We’d intended to have a day out on Saturday, but Lia had a cold so we didn’t go far, opting for a dog walk on the hills instead. This was followed by a delicious dinner at Bodega in Worcester.

girl sat at a table with plate in front of her containing wraps and sweet potato fries

It’s a few years since we’ve been to All Things Wild. In fact, the last time we were there it was predominantly a chicken place, with a few bonus animals. These days, there’s loads more going on.

Outside, there are various animals to see including wallabies, capybara, rabbits and goats. We strolled through the dinosaur walk, realising that watching Dinosaur Train has led to the children knowing notably more about dinosaurs than us. Indoor areas include a petting room, dinosaur barn full of facts and exhibits and reptile areas. There are various children’s playgrounds outside too, including a rather fabulous restored helicopter.

The girls were delighted that the café had a soft play area attached. They wolfed down their lunch and headed straight in there to play. My husband and I managed two hot coffees and an uninterrupted conversation in the time they were occupied in there. Living the dream.

More days out

I was incredibly grateful to the girls’ ballet school this week, as they put on a holiday club on Tuesday. Both girls went for the day, giving me chance to catch up on some work. The rest of the week was all planned out too, with a trip to Birmingham to visit the Sea Life Centre and eat our body weight in Sushi yesterday.

Today will be about trampolining and we’re seeing friends on Friday and hoping to fit in a picnic over the weekend. I’m always the first to complain that half term is hard going when you work from home. But it’s been pretty amazing too. The girls are of an age now where they’re both great company and we all enjoy days out together. Long may it continue.

Thursday photo #198

This week’s Thursday photo had to be the one of them flying a helicopter together at All Things Wild. I’m not sure it’s their vocation, but it certainly looks like fun.

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  1. It sounds like you’ve had a great week! I was definitely the work at home parent moaning about half-term last week as I was just tied to the desk and hardly spent any time with the kids.
    Good luck to Lia with the extra pre-school!

    1. Thank you, Lia is loving her extra time at preschool. I was lucky to be able to spend time with the girls over half term, it must be tough having to keep working through it. Hard to concentrate when they’re around too.

  2. Hi Nat, what a fab half term you’ve had. I love your photos. Did you have to check your girls backpacks for stolen furry animals? …I did find it funny that you went to Seaworld and ate a belly full of sushi. Fingers crossed you didn’t eat anything you saw! How great your go=irls got to explore an old helicopter. I don’t think I’ve ever been in one.


    1. Thank you, we had a lovely week. Strangely the girls both went for seared beef as their only meat dish at Yo! Sushi and I’m veggie so Nemo lived to see another day 😉

  3. Wow, looks like some great adventures. Funny thing is, when I saw the picture of the helicopter I had to look twice as there is the same model and colour at the aviation museum we go to 🙂