Thursday photo #318
It seems odd, when so many freedoms have been taken away from us, but I find myself more grateful in day to day life than I was before lockdown started. I have always appreciated being able to work from home. Now though, I have even greater respect for parents who are coping without being in such a fortunate situation.

Cutting back
I find myself wondering whether, when all this is over, our lives will really go back to normal. Will the girls go back to all the activities they have stopped? They will definitely go back to swimming, they are both missing it hugely. As for gymnastics though, I’m not so sure.
Personally, I have been wondering whether there are things I could cut back on. Our leisure centre have already said that entry will be by appointment only to start with. I am unsure as to whether this will mean that there will no longer be sessions I can take the children to. If this is the case, I won’t be renewing my membership. Much as I enjoy swimming occasionally and doing an exercise class, the main benefit I get from it is taking the children swimming there.
Whichever way that goes, I’ll be looking at other ways to save both time and money. We are all enjoying the slower pace of life and feeling much more relaxed about things. I look forward to having solid blocks of time to work once the children go back to school properly. Other than that though, things actually seem a little easier without all the running around.

Another lockdown birthday
We are up to birthday number three of lockdown in our house. Libby is celebrating her eighth birthday today. As a treat, the girls are able to have their first riding lesson since everything shut down. They are going to a different stables to usual because I couldn’t book a slot where they normally go. They’re both looking forward to it though and it’s lovely to be able to do something special for Libby’s birthday.
Better still, Libby’s best friend is going to call in at lunchtime as a surprise. I know they are going to be so excited to see each other and I can’t wait to see them together. It will be incredibly difficult for them having to stay two metres apart but it will definitely make her birthday much more enjoyable.

Thursday photo #318
I took the girls for a run on Friday. My husband dropped us on the Malvern hills on the way to somewhere and we ran to the cafe for a cake and hot drink before walking home. It’s something they probably wouldn’t have enjoyed a few months ago, but these days it’s the peak of excitement.