Thursday photo #343
The funny thing about working as a freelancer is that it’s all or nothing. This week, I have been busier than I have in months. I’ll earn more than 2/3 of what I need to earn in the month in the course of a week. Which is good because beyond Sunday, I have virtually nothing lined up. So, I’ll be back to decorating the kitchen again. At least there’s plenty to keep me busy.

Heading into tier 2
Yesterday when lockdown ended, our area went into tier 2. The virus is feeling a bit more of a threat right now with a bubble from the children’s school having been told to self isolate for a fortnight. Thankfully my two are still in school so far but I know it’s creeping towards us. I’m just hoping that we can make it to Christmas without any more homeschooling.
Tier 2 is a lot more strict than tier 1 which we were in before this lockdown. However for us, it has made very little difference. It is sad that we won’t be able to see family indoors, but we have some walks planned so we can still catch up. The ballet school and swimming pool have reopened, which we are making full use of. The girls go back to gymnastics tomorrow and I’ve booked myself in for boot camp. That’s going to be a real shock to the system but I look forward to getting back into it.
With news of an imminent vaccine, it seems like there may be a little light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst people are predicting that we’ll still end up with a third lockdown in January, if the vulnerable can get vaccinated over the next few months then I’m hopeful that by the time the weather warms up next year, things will be improving. Whilst it’s not impacting us personally too much, I really feel for people who are effected by illness or financial worries. I’m not usually one for wishing time away, but whatever version of “normal” we are able to get back to can’t come soon enough.

Drama queens
With the ballet school able to reopen, both girls have thrown themselves into Christmas productions. Both Lia’s school play and their ballet school production are being filmed this year. Libby has a little extra part in the ballet production as well as her usual dance with her class. This has really inspired her and she’s desperate to start auditioning for other parts in productions on the stage. We’re hoping she’ll be able to audition for a panto next year but who knows what will happen by then.
Lia has a little talking part in her school play which she is delighted about. This is the little girl who was too shy to say her line with another child a couple of years ago. Now, she’s got quite a bit to say and her confidence has soared. It’s amazing how much difference a couple of years can make.
We do have another drama queen in the house too. Let’s all take a moment to feel sorry for Rupert who is so bored, he dramatically threw himself into an empty box to prove it.

Thursday photo #343
As usual, we got out for a muddy walk last weekend. This is a habit we’re going to stick with even now lockdown has ended. The girls are still young enough to enjoy being outdoors, even though they’re stuck with us.

What a lovely photo. Here’s hoping panto is back for Libby to audition next year! I had to smile at your all or nothing work. I’m currently in an ‘all’ phase, which is fine by me, as I intend to work until 23rd December and then no more until the new year!
Thank you. I’m glad you have plenty of work on at the moment because I know you have struggled in a similar way to me this year. Well done for taking a complete break over Christmas too, I’m terrible at that, I know I’ll end up working a bit!