Thursday photo #219

It can’t just be us in this ridiculous situation towards the end of the Summer term. There seems to be so much going on that I don’t have time to catch my breath. We’re all looking forward to the Summer holidays for a rest. I think relaxing days will be in order here for the first week, before we go into full on holiday mode.

The triathlon

You might recall that back in January, I entered a triathlon that was taking place in July. I’d done it before, many years ago, and it was something I was determined to get back into. I run every week anyway and I’ve always been a swimmer. I regularly swim in open water and I’d ridden a bike at least three times in the past seven years. What could possibly go wrong?

Spot the deliberate mistake. I always intended to correct it. Every week, I thought about getting my bike out. Then, I’d go off for a swim or run instead. Until about a month ago. I had my bike serviced, bought some new cycling shoes and set out for a ride. I did around 20km and before the triathlon, I did that once more.

The only problem was, the cycle in the triathlon was 40km. And then I had to run 10km. To cut a long story short, I did it. It was over 20 minutes slower than the last time I did that triathlon. My cycle wasn’t as horrendous as anticipated, but my run was terribly slow because I was exhausted from the bike leg. Despite all that, it has made me question why I ever stopped doing them. I’ve already agreed to enter again next year, and next time I’m going to be prepared.

End of term

Everything happens at the end of term doesn’t it? Libby’s sports day is today and she’s also going to a birthday party. And yesterday was Lia’s last day at preschool. She has only been there since September, and will be in the next classroom along when she starts school. But it still seems like a big deal. Not to her of course, she’s asking whether she can go to school today because I’d told her she’d start school after she finished preschool. And she’s so ready.

I thought there might be tears today as she left preschool for the last time. But she said her goodbyes and walked out without looking back. And I suspect that when we get to the school gates in September, it’s going to go the same way. And I couldn’t be happier for her.

Thursday photo #219

The girls had a little treasure chest sent to them last week to promote a film called Tad the Lost Explorer on my social media. Despite all the things going on this week, this is the most excited I’ve seen them. They had to solve a few clues to open the box and I was impressed with their answers to the questions. When they opened the box, it was full of ‘treasure’. They’ve been playing with it ever since.

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  1. Oh my word the end of term has been ridiculously manic. Just too much going on in a short space of time. Glad to hear you finished the triathlon, but that did make me laugh!

  2. What a sweet photo of the girls! The end of term is always crazy. Well done on completing the triathlon! It can’t have been easy and I’m sure many people in your position would have just dropped out.

  3. A huge well done on managing to finish the triathlon especially when you weren’t quite so prepared with the cycling part of it. The end of term is such a crazy time – there’s always so much going on. It sounds like Lia is very ready for school. Sophie had her last day at preschool on Wednesday too and she’s also very ready for the next step. It feels quite different second time around. Hope Libby enjoyed her sports day. I love the photo of her and Lia playing with the treasure chest – it looks like a lot of fun 🙂

    1. Thank you Louise. You’re so right, it is very different the second time around, the littlest is just so ready for school aren’t they? Thinking of you at the moment Louise, this must be such a difficult time for you with everyone posting their first and last days at school this year. Well done for posting Jessica’s first and last day too, lovely memories to look back on.

  4. Hi Nat, that sounds like the sort of thing my husband would do. I have to be physically read or I’m not mentally ready. You did really well and next year you will do even better and get that bike out more!… I’m sure that last week of summer term is designedto exhaust you and the children on purpose. It’s a way of justifying that relaxing first week of doing nothing…Your photos are lovely, you do live in a beautiful part of the UK. And your girls look like they are having fun with their treasure box.
